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Jihyo Pov
Nayeon unnie and i planned to go out with avi since jisoo and jennie unnie have some schedules for today.

While i was putting on some light makeup someone knocked on the door so i told her to come in and i already know who it is... It's avi.

Unnie have you seen my bracelet? She ask as soon as she walks in.

Didn't you were just wearing it earlier? I said.

I did but i forgot where i place it, She said.

Look at your wrist, I said as she looks embarrassed.

Oh right sorry, She said and left immediately.

She has that bracelet ever since we found her and she didn't want to take it off so we didn't bother to told her too since it might be important.

Avi is doing great these past few days but the bad thing is that she still hasn't remember anything from her biological family.

We didn't want to pressure her though since we know that it might make everything worst.

Unnie and i were actually anxious for her since the two of us might have some photoshoots tomorrow and avi will be alone.

So we decided that we'll try to talk to her later on so she'll be aware of us leaving tomorrow.

*time skip*
We are now outside the N seoul tower which avi requested to go, Unnie and i were actually excited cause the last time we went here was 6 yrs ago back when we even started our career.

I suggested that we should go sightseeing as they just agreed since there's really nothing to do back home.

We also put some mask on and scarf so no one will recognized us and not make another dumb issue about us.

We're walking inside when avi suddenly stops and look at us.

What? Did you forget something? I asked.

No unnie i'm just gonna ask you both if one of you is scared of heights? She said.

Were not but how about you, are you scared? Nayeon unnie asked.

Nope unnie, She said and smiled.

Ok that's great shall we continue? I asked as she nodded.

After a few minutes we arrived at the observation deck and i might say that were so high up and the view is so alluring.

I didn't waste anytime and took a lot of picture with them and some of their stolen pictures.. I don't care if my storage will be full cause pictures preserve every memories we made and even though time wouldn't last long these pictures made it last eternal.

Avi wasn't wearing any mask like us so we can see her genuinely smiling just by looking outside, It made my heart warm even though the weather was freezing cold.

We walked around for a little bit until we decided to grab some lunch.. Ramen is the best food to eat in winter so we went to a ramen restaurant where unnie and i used to go to everytime we finished training.

Avi's eyes were just wandering around when i took a deep breath before calling her.

Avi, I said making her head turn to my direction.

As you may know christmas is over so we have to go back to work and we just want to inform you that we might have some schedule for tomorrow... Are you ok being alone back home? I asked

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