Volume 10 - Chapter 4: Battleground

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Genji, fighter, with a domain level 5.

Hanks, spirit reader controller with a domain level 4.

To be able to have domains level 4 and 5 within the universe level 6, these 2 were definitely considered geniuses! The most important thing was these 2 had high battle abilities, many other similar level 4, 5 and even 6 level domains geniuses had all lost their lives to them. 691 wins, 821 wins...these 2 were definitely veterans within the Battle-axe Coliseum!

"These two people." Luo Feng exclaimed softly to himself.

Looking at their back story, Genji was doing it for his family and clan. Hanks was a slave forced by his trader.

And amongst them one definitely had to die!

"This battle, we definitely have to watch it." Luo Feng carefully looked at the information on the screen, "one Hour?"

Universe ship, via universe travel, from Bai Lan star to earth, took about 8 hours.

Luo Feng immediately dragged Hong and Thunder God along to watch the battle.


Battle-axe Coliseum, one of the five leviathans of the human race.

In the virtual universe network, a space was specially created here, on it was a wide river that travelled throughout the entire space, it's strength was shocking, and on this seemingly endless river floated several islands, on each of them were dojos.

Island number 08921.

This was a snow covered island, it's most daunting construct was a huge dojo, at the center of it was an empty plot of land, surrounding it were blurred large amounts of seats. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4 level of the dojo were all private rooms.

Only members were allowed into the private rooms.

And normal spectators could only watch from the bleachers far away.

"I've got my eye on Genji, his blade skills are impressive, every time I see his skills, I get a very dreamy feeling...one filled with the energy of life. He'll definitely win."

"Betting on Genji? His payouts are very low."

"So what if they are low, his payouts are 1:1.31, and Hanks is 1:2.68, from the management side of the Battle-axe Coliseum, it's obvious they too are betting on Genji. Who cares about the low payout, as long as I earn money. If Genji wins, I'll have earned a lot, I'll bet on him!"

"I'll bet on Hanks, there might be an upset. I bet 600,000 universe dollars!"

"Only 600,000 universe dollars, I bet 2 million universe dollars that Genji will win!"

"I bet 1 million universe dollars, just for fun."

Three beastmen with green horns dressed in luxurious clothes set in the spectators' seats and discussed. Suddenly in the alleyway beside them, a silver haired handsome man carrying a child walked towards the staircase beside and swiftly climbed up.

"Going up?"

"The bank account must be at least 3 stars. Who is that man with silver hair?"

"No idea, we 3 brothers only recognize people from our star field, in these places, many others, including us aren't from the same empire. Who would know." The 3 with green horns discussed.

At the same time, another 5 went upstairs.

As the start of the battle drew closer, more people filled the arena, levels of blurred silhouettes of guests had filled over half of the seats, with at least 100,000 people, and many others upstairs! To be able to enter the private rooms upstairs, one's bank account had to be at least 3 stars or even higher.

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