Volume 7 - Chapter 13: When The Root Dies, How Can The Leaves Live?

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'It's over', 'there's no hope', 'it's over', Babata's words were like a hammer pounding on Luo Feng's soul, his entire person was in shock.

The Earth is done for?

It seemed exaggerated. However, since 5000 years ago, from the ancestors of China, the three sovereigns and five emperors, from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the spring and autumn and the Warring States periods, there were countless births of special people that shone lights on eras. The Qin Emperor, Liu Guan Zhang of the three Kingdoms who united the kingdoms, burning Red Cliff etc, Liang Jin of the Northern and Southern dynasties, Yuan Ming Qin of the Tang Song dynasties...up to the 21st century, man was living in a modernized society. During the escaping and evacuation when the Great Nirvana happened, it had been peaceful within the bases and people lived happily.

At a particular base and citadel, there was a student at a high school.

His name was Luo Feng.

His classmates, teachers, his dojo buddies, instructors! His parents and relatives, his loved ones, and the people he had interacted with since he was young! They were all nothing but droplets in the entire Chinese community, however, they were still part of China.

Now...It's over?


Luo Feng felt his soul trembling, a piercing pain!

If the entire earth's population was to die, what was the point of he himself living?

"We have to kill it!" Luo Feng pointed at the golden horned beast on the screen, "It, must definitely die!!!"

"Luo Feng, what are you thinking?" Babata asked.

"Babata, the gold horned beast must die!" Luo Feng said.

"Are you running a fever? You are only a level 3 spirit reader, what power do you have to even stir up this star level gold horned beast? You are a disciple of Yun Mo Planet, but this beast's background stretches way further. It's of the elite bloodline, its power is huge. To kill it now, is simply, simply just dreaming!" Babata said, "We have no reason to fight it head on, even if it was dangerous, when the time comes, you just have to enter the Yun Mo Planet ship, once the ship closes, no matter how strong it is, it wouldn't be able to break through! Also with the weight of the ship, it wouldn't be able to swallow it either."

"No!" Luo Feng dismissed Babata's suggestion.

"Don't be stupid, why not we just bring along your family and loved ones into the ship too." Babata said.

"Babata, are we nothing but tortoises that hide in their shells, hiding away from this crisis! After everything has passed and we walk out...oh the rest of humanity is gone. The colleagues that my parents have, the neighbors etc all dead. All that's left would be me and my family? There's no meaning in that. How can my parents live with that? How can I live with that?" Luo Feng asked.

It was impossible to imagine!

It was a scene Luo Feng couldn't imagine, it was terrifying! It chilled his heart.

"I cannot understand you humans and your way of thinking." Babata was unsatisfied, "you aren't a match at all, and you still want to fight!"

"Man, cannot live without society."

"Man, cannot live without his nationality or motherland!"

"If the earth was empty and lonely with just one survivor, it's as good as being dead!" Luo Feng's heart chilled at the thought, "Babata, when a country is destroyed, it's survivors have a name, they are called slaves of a vanquished nation!"

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