"What are you talking about?" Tony was the one that broke the silence, "Aliana what do you mean you're going to die?"

"Tony, how did you get here?" Not the best response, but the only words that decided to escape my mouth at that moment were those.

"The elevator," Okay, sassy, "Aliana, answer me." I did in fact not answer Tony, if anything I kept even more quiet.

Then Steve decided to speak up, "Aliana, are you dying?"

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Feeling someone squeeze my hand, I looked over at Wanda who had a concerned look on her face. I smiled and squeezed back.

"This is really not how I wanted to tell you guys," I chuckled at the sheer panic flowing through me, "This really isn't."

Loki, who looked suspicious as he was prone to, asked, "Were you planning on ever telling us? Or did you lie about that too?"

I realized that he probably knew that I had been lying about telling the truth in one more year and just gave him a sad look.

"Loki? What are you talking about?" Bucky asked as he looked between me and Loki.

Loki just scoffed, "Aliana, did you ever tell me the truth. Or were we not worthy enough of your trust? Unlike Wanda clearly is." He spit out her name with so much aggression that Wanda actually took a step back.

"Loki, no." I said, "She has nothing to do with this."

"Wait, wait, wait." Tony stepped forward and held out his hands as if to stop everything.

"So you," He pointed at Loki, "Know about what she has been hiding" At that he pointed at me, "And you never told us."

Loki looked a bit uncomfortable but shrugged, "I promised Aliana to keep her secrets for a year." The other three men looked angry at that, Bucky even shaking his head.

"You would keep secrets from your own mates?" Bucky asked, "Even when you knew how we felt about her?"

This conversation was clearly going to turn ugly soon and I did not want Wanda to be here for it. So I grabbed the box she was holding and quickly opened a portal with it, shoving her through it to her own room.

That had gotten the men to stop arguing amongst themselves and look at me.

"That explains some things." Loki said with anger still clear in his voice.

"Now I know you all have questions, but please only be angry at me." I said, "Don't blame Loki for keeping his promise and don't blame Wanda for being the one I went to. Also, don't ask Wanda anything. She won't be able to answer anyways."

Being my untrustful self as I always am, I had placed a small mental block on her that kept her from talking about what I told her unless she truly, truly wanted to break it. She could, but as long as someone tried to force her to and she didn't want to talk about it, it would hold up.

"Aliana, just tell us: are you planning to die?" Steve's voice was concerned and a bit heartbroken, as if I was already dying in front of him.

"Yes." I refused to look at them.

Then there was the sound of something breaking, a quick glance telling me that Bucky had broken the chair he was holding onto.

I tried explaining, "Look, there are things I must do."

"There's always things you must do!" Tony yelled, "You walk around, going places without telling anyone. You are always in a different country, telling us only after you get there. You're friends with people we don't know, do dangerous things without asking anyone for help!"

"Tony!" I called out, tears coming to my eyes, but he kept going, nobody except me trying to stop him.

"I mean, how are you friends with Spiderman and Deadpool! Why are you friends with a mercenary! Why do you still work at a bar?"

At that I actually gasped, "How do you know about that?"

"Then you go and almost die at least once a year! You won't tell us anything! You won't tell anyone anything! Where you come from, about your powers, about your goal!"

"Tony, please..." I almost sobbed. This is why I didn't want anyone to know, things only get complicated when emotions are involved. Everything is so much easier if I just do things alone.

"I love you."

What? "What?" I asked, looking up and staring at Steve whose eyes were wet.

Shit. I made Steve cry.

"We wanted to ask you out on a date tonight." He threw the flowers, that I hadn't even notice he had been holding, on the floor as if they didn't matter,

"What?" My brain had refused to process anything else. I felt like I was having an out of body experience, looking down to make sure I hadn't actually left my body.

Nope, I was still there. But, apparently I was zoning out because next thing I knew Bucky was in front of me, holding onto my shoulders.

"Come on doll, you've had to notice it by now." He says, "I know you must have noticed."

I shook my head and stepped back, "Guys... No... I mean, you literally heard me say that I was planning on dying."

Bucky raised his hand up to my cheek, lightly caressing it, "You don't have to. Whatever it is, there are other options. Just tell us, talk to us, doll. We can figure it out, together."

I looked around me, they were my mates. The men that I had grown to love, to care for, that I was willing to die for.

I made eye contact with Loki, who nodded at me. It was time.

They had to know the truth. They deserved to know.

I opened my mouth, ready to tell them the truth, but no words would come out. My heart was beating so fast in my chest that I could hear it in my ears, my vision was swimming, my head felt light.

I stumbled forwards, Bucky catching me. His eyes were wide, his mouth moving as if he was saying something but I couldn't hear it.

Oh, Thor. I was having a panic attack. How embarrassing.

Not knowing what else to do and already feeling tears in my eyes from shame, I grabbed my box, almost letting it fall in panic, and quickly found myself in the middle of Wade's living room.

AN: So it's only the first week of school, but it is rough. So if anybody catches any grammatical errors or anything, let me know because I honestly didn't have time to proof read. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

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