The Hoodie Incident

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Wade and I absolutely got drunk that night. I knew he was drunk when he started making up really bad haikus about Spiderman and I knew I was drunk when I laughed at them.

"Oh my Spiderman

Please bounce that spandex clad ass

All over my dick."

I absolutely died at that one, my head feeling fuzzy and my heart happy. I played some music and danced on top of his living room table, falling off at the end. The rest of the night went like that, just us laughing and celebrating Wade's newfound freedom.

"Wade and Spidey sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First came love, then came marriage-" I sang, but Wade interrupted me.

"Actually, I think Spidey was the one that came!" I laughed at that, which was my last conscious thought of the night.

* * *

"Ughh," I groaned, "Who turned on the sun?"

"Morning, my darling lily patch," I could hear Wade's much too happy morning voice, "I made pancakes with authentic maple syrup and coffee. So get your grumpy ass up and come eat breakfast with me." Carefully opening up one eye I could tell that I was lying on Wade's bed and saw Advil and a glass of water next to me. Quickly taking them, I got up and followed wade to the table, trying to ignore how bad my mouth tasted.

"What are you doing today?" I asked Wade after a bite of pancake. He looked up at me as he took a giant bite.

Without even bothering to swallow, Wade answered me, which by the way, gross, "I'm going to Margeret's and then patrolling with Spidey at night. I cannot wait to give him the good news." As he went off on a tangent about how proud Spidey would be, I kept silent about who I had met last night.

It would be so much fun to see how he would react to that.

A couple hours later I decided to go home. My hangover was over, I had showered, brushed my teeth and was wearing one of Wade's hoodies and some leggings I had kept over at his place.

Wade laughed loudly when he saw me leave his room after getting dressed. Choosing to ignore him, as I often did, I waved goodbye at him and made my way over to the tower planning on what I would do for the rest of this Saturday.

It would be good to ask Tony what he thought about Peter and if he would like to take him on as an intern. It would be a lot of paperwork to do and I would have to hold a meeting with the robotic department heads and his old team leader, but if I started the process now it would make it a lot easier.

Then I also had to check that everyone that had gone on a mission had submitted their paperwork. I would have to call Fury and get a list of who hadn't and also to check how their mission had gone. Also, it would be good to have a team bonding night soon, it had been a while since they had one.

Talking about that, I had to make sure that those that had gone on mission would go to therapy at least once-

"Welcome back Ms. Aliana. Would you like to go directly to your room?" JARVIS's voice interrupted me.

"Is Tony in his lab?" I questioned. If he was I could just get the Peter situation over with.

"He is currently eating lunch with Steve and Bucky in the penthouse." I smiled at getting to see them so soon after their mission. Luckily, even Loki was absent, so I wouldn't have to go out of my way to avoid him.

Not that I was avoiding him. Of course, just happy coincidences.

"Can you let them know that I'll be going up?" I asked JARVIS as I stepped into the elevator.

"Right away Ms. Aliana," JARVIS responded. A couple seconds later he said, "They are expecting you." I almost laughed at how threatening that sounded, like something shady was going on. When in actuality Tony was probably wearing his Hulk PJs, a gag gift from Bruce Banner himself.

As I stepped out of the elevator Tony was indeed in PJs, though sadly not his Hulk ones. Steve and Bucky were in normal clothes, they had probably gotten up super early and went for a run or something healthy like that. Walking in I grabbed the Stark pad I always kept at the entrance to the penthouse and opened it up.

"Good morning," I greeted and grabbed their attention. Smiling at them, I looked down at the pad and started speaking before they could even greet me, "So, sorry for bringing up work during the weekend but there is a lot to do. For me mainly, you guys just have to answer."

Opening up Peter's intern folder I started, "Tony what did you think about Peter? I was thinking of having him intern under you instead of in the robotics department. The kid is a genius and having him grab coffee for Rudra would be a crime against all of math. If we get him now we could snap him up right after graduation. So what do you think?"

I waited a couple seconds but heard nothing. Deciding to take that as a yes, I typed away on the Stark pad as I made my way to the coffee maker, knowing the way by heart, "Cool, I'll assign him to you. He could start right away on Monday, I'll take care of the rest. Now, Steve thanks for turning in your mission report right on time. Bucky, you still haven't turned it in. I will be expecting it for review on Monday at 8:30am sharp. Then I will be scheduling you both for therapy on Wednesday. No arguments."

When I actually heard no arguments I looked up while taking a sip of coffee. They were all looking at me, glaring.

Was it just me or was this happening often?

"Ok, what did I do this time?" I sighed, putting the cup and pad down. Whatever it was they were angry at, I hadn't done it. Probably.

"Doll," Bucky said through gritted teeth and it sounded a lot more threatening than that word had any right to be, "What are you wearing?"

I looked down at my hoodie and leggings, not getting his question, "Clothes?"

"Is that yours?" Tony asked.

"Nope," I shook my head, "I slept over at my friend's yesterday and borrowed his clothes this morning." At that the sound of glass breaking sounded throughout the place as Steve broke his cup. With his bare hands.

"Ahh!" I screamed in surprise, "Oh my, Steve!" Running over to him I passed him a hand towel from the kitchen, "Put pressure on that. Come wash it out in the sink."

"Whose is it?" I stared in shock at Steve, whas he seriously asking about my style choices while bleeding in the kitchen?

"Steve, you're bleeding." At that he just grabbed the cloth and wiped his blood away, showing me that it had already healed. I breathed out, that's right. He was a super soldier, that cut was probably nothing to him.

"So, whose is it?" Wow, not even Tony was worried. Throwing my hands up, I decided that arguing with three stubborn men was really not worth it.

"It's Wade's! I spent the night at his place after drinking a little too much and making bad poetry. Happy?" I asked, "Now can we please work on figuring out this week's schedule so I can go watch some bad anime or something?"

"Wade," Bucky growled, looking like I had personally offended his religion or something. Seriously, I thought he liked Wade.

"Yeah, Wade." I said, "You know, my BFF, drinking buddy, really bad secret keeper. You literally lived with the guy for six months."

That didn't seem to make the guys any happier. In fact Steve dramatically left the room as I watched Tony and Bucky look at each other in silent understanding. Though they were still glaring which would definitely cause them wrinkles later on in life.

"Why are men so weird?" I asked aloud, "It's a hoodie. Do y'all just suddenly hate hoodies or something?"

Tony groaned and placed his face in his hands. Bucky looked me in the eyes and asked, "Aliana, do you know what it says?"

Raising an eyebrow I looked down at the hoodie that said PROPERTY OF WILSON.

Oh, well. I might have still been a little hungover when I got dressed. Or very hungover, I just grabbed the first thing I saw.

Why did Wade own this jacket anyways?

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