Awkward Dinners and Robots

Start from the beginning

"Wait, I thought you found out about us after you got to Sokovia? You know, with your mind powers." Pietro wiggled his fingers next to his head and Wanda gave me a look that said 'explain now.'

I did not explain anything, just drank from my glass of wine as I ignored everyone looking at me.

"Aliana," Bucky, can you not see that I'm avoiding the world right now? "Why did you choose Sokovia?"

"Ughh," I groaned, "Well, for one it's very beautiful and far from Siberia. Two, Wade had connections there, so it convenient. Also, I had heard of Hydra carrying out human experiments there and I happened to see that Wanda and Pietro were perfect candidates for the stone. There's nothing wrong with multitasking. Yeah, I took down a Hydra base, made some friends and also did some intense therapy- no rules against that."

Sam just nodded at me, "You work hard, props to you." He raised his own wine glass at me and I smiled thankfully at him.

Tony cleared his throat, "How exactly do your powers work then? I heard that you have magic and he's fast." While for a second I thought Pietro might quickly pull Tony's seat out from under him, he did not and just politely answered.

"I'm not quite sure. Sorcerer Supreme said that our exposure to so much cosmic energy activated latent mutant cells that we already had." Tony looked very interested in this, honestly so did Bruce.

The rest of the dinner continued in a similar manner, while they weren't quite nice to each other they were cordial and nobody attacked each other. That was all I could ask for honestly.

* * *

The next day I sat Tony, Bruce and Wanda in a room and explained once again my plan. Then, I gave Wanda the mind stone locked away behind some magical glass thing I had gotten from the Sorcerer Supreme. It would allow her to hold it without direct contact and not explode or anything when she did.

"You two," I pointed at Bruce and Tony, "No touchy. You will literally explode if you hold it, got it?" They quickly nodded their heads and I gave them a serious stare. I could not afford for them to explode right now.

Or never. Never was also good.

It had been a very long weekend, but now I could just enjoy the rest of my Sunday and relax. As I threw myself back on my bed I decided that I deserved some ice cream for all my hard work. After a short nap, of course.

That was why thirty minutes later I was cursing the random robots that had decided to attack New York today. I had just gotten my ice cream when it was knocked out of my hands by a laser beam. A laser beam!

"You motherfucker! I will rip off your robot hand and shove it up your fucking ass so far up that I will be able to reach down your throat and shake it!" I kept yelling at the robot that had caused me to drop my ice cream as I kicked it. I was so into my anger that I didn't notice the other robot coming up behind me.

But Spiderman did, thankfully. Next thing I knew I heard a thwip and found myself flying through the air and into the arms of Spiderman. He was holding me bridal style as he stood on top of a streetlight.

"You're very creative with your insults mam," Spiderman called out as he moved to holding me with one arm as he swung us to the top of a building, "But I will need you to stay right here until everything's safe again." Not even waiting for me to respond, he swung off into battle.

It was very cool to see Spiderman fight in real life. He was an artist, an acrobat and had the grace of a dancer. He also kicked ass really well. Halfway through the fight Deadpool joined in and they were an amazing team. It was like they read each other's mind as they fought, like they had been doing this together their whole life.

The fight ended pretty quick, with Spidey and Pool winning of course. As I watched, Spiderman crouched down so Deadpool could get on his back and swung up to the building I was in.

"I love Spideyback rides!" Wade cheered as he got off, "We have to do that more often, Spidey!" Spiderman just laughed and patted Wade's shoulder.

"Maybe I'll consider it if you stop calling them 'Spideyback rides'," Then Wade turned to look at me and squealed.

"My love, my dazzling moonlight!" He ran up to me and picked me up, spinning me around, "What are you doing here? Were you waiting for moi?"

"No," I deadpanned, "I got swung up here rather dramatically by Spiderman." Wade let me go, but kept his arm around my waist as he turned to look at Spidey.

"You saved her? Thank you Spidey! I knew you were the best."

"No problem," Spiderman definitely seemed to have a problem, "I uhm, have to go. I think I hear my... dog calling me." As he said that very horrible excuse, he ran off and jumped off the building, swinging away.

"Wow, he can even speak to dogs. I wonder if he would visit me if I got one?" I wasn't sure who the dumb one was going to be in this relationship.

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