Chapter 33: Did not escape ("Gu Ci, hug." [Double change]...)

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Chapter Thirty Three

The mid-term exam lasted two days, and the time was tight, but Yan Luqing had a very smooth exam.

It's not because every question is good, but the positioning is too accurate when learning. After all, Gu Ci never let her do some esoteric questions. The goal is to get the easy-to-learn part of the score. Anyway, once the exam is completed, she will have absolute Confidence can pass half of every subject.

In the middle of the exam, Yan Luqing also met a lot of classmates in the same class. She was familiar with the sand sculptures and looked good. She was well-rounded in just two days in the exam room. She also added several classes and departments.

After finishing the two most difficult courses the next day, Yan Luqing couldn't hide the excitement on his face when he returned to the villa.

In the past half month, everyone in the villa knows that Miss Yan has been learning enthusiastically. After the first day of the exam, no one dared to mention the relevant words for fear of affecting her mood. Aunt Disney secretly sighed with Xiao Hei, "My nephew's college entrance examination. That's it."

So when everyone saw her so happy, they gathered around and asked how she was doing. Yan Luqing thought for a while, smiled and said, "I feel like I succeeded in the college entrance examination for the second time."

After playing with them, Yan Luqing immediately ran to the sofa and sat down. Originally, Gu Ci was watching TV indifferently, and he turned his face to look at her when he felt the collapse of his side.

It's strange to say, why do people like Gu Ci love to watch TV? Yan Luqing has always felt very confused.

She loves watching TV. But she loves watching TV for a reason.

One is because TV was something she couldn't get and couldn't see when she was a child, and the other was because she felt that it was very lively and there was an illusion as if the house was not empty at all and there was noisy surroundings.

What about Gu Ci?

How could he like watching TV so much? Even being very similar to her is like a habit?

Yan Luqing likes to let the TV keep on playing, even more so in such a big villa. But in many cases, the TV is not turned on by her, but Gu Ci, she saves trouble.

And its strange that she always thinks that TV is in line with her own temperament. She never thought that every time Gu Ci sits on the sofa and wears beautiful glasses to watch TV, there is a scene that belongs exclusively to her. The big guy's contrast is cute.

The original content was temporarily pushed aside, Yan Luqing poked the pillow behind him curiously, "Gu Ci, why are you watching TV every day."

Gu Ci wore glasses, and the image on the screen was faintly reflected on it, and then he answered calmly and objectively: "Because of boring."

After speaking, he fished the remote control on the side and changed the channel.

Yan Luqing was still surprised: "Can't I do other things when I'm bored? Why not watch TV?"

Gu Ci's hand paused slightly, then turned to look at her, and said every word: "Other things are more boring."


Although every question has been answered, the answer and no answer are the same.

This is the sign that Gu Ci doesn't want to answer.

Since he was obviously not interested in this topic, Yan Luqing changed it. She began to repeat to Gu Ci what she had tested yesterday and today, and Gu Ci finally seemed to be willing to listen, and turned her attention on TV to her.

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