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Private chat


s.h.ceo.daddy >
Hey princess,

hope your nose is healing up nicely

Also, mind telling me that
fuckbags name so i can
turn him inside out?

babyJ96 >
Hey handsome

Thank you for worrying,
my nose is healing up well
and i wont have to have
anything major done :)

As hot as that offer is, i
dont know if i should tell
you who it was......

Give me a good reason to

s.h.ceo.daddy >
Good I'm glad

You run a tough bargain
sweetness, but if you
want a good reason I'll
give you one.

If anyone were to harm you
in any way, i would take them
out and make sure their body
can never be found.

I'd do anything for you,

babyJ96 >


Ive never had anyone
ever tell me something
like that before...

Thats really sweet, but
I'd have a problem if you
were to get caught.

What would i do without you?

s.h.ceo.daddy >
Well, no need to worry
about me getting caught

I can take care of myself,
there is mafia in this blood

babyJ96 >
Wait, really? 

mafia in what way?

s.h.ceo.daddy >
Yeah, princess

My father is the head of a mafia group

I wanted to tell you at some
point, and in a different way,
but it kinda just came out
before i read what i typed.

Please, id never do anything to
harm you, i swear.


babyJ96 >
I'm here, dont worry

I just needed to think for a

You reminded me of someone
I used to know, and i think
I'm finaly remembering

Anyway, handsome.

I dont mind you being mafia,
all i care is that you make it
home safe so i can do shows for
you, as selfish as that may seem

I'm honestly attached, and
severely attracted, to you.

And i dont want you to use your
mafia status to do anything
for me, that would just put
you at risk.

I can take care of myself as well,
I'm fully capable to kick a grown
ass mans fat ass and shove it down
his throat with his small dick

s.h.ceo.daddy >
You've got a lot
of fire in you princess

Its fucking sexy

babyJ96 >
Why thank you handsome,
you've got some fire inside

And a gods body and a
personality like no one ive
ever met before

Though, Byeongkwan could swear he had met this s.h.ceo.daddy character before.

His voice, the way he spoke over text, his eyes - hell even his dick - was familiar. His sturdy shoulders and confidence was hard to match. Even his honesty was reminding him of someone he knew. 

Maybe he was who Byeongkwan suspected him to be...

If only Byeongkwan could remember his name.

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