It would be horrible, but it was for the greater good. I had already stopped the possibility of Tony creating Ultron by taking away the real scepter and making sure that he didn't have any thoughts of it in his mind.

That was why when I went back to visit the Maximoff twins during my fourth month in Sokovia I was happy to see that they were ready to leave Hydra. I could also sense that their hatred towards Tony and their thoughts of revenge was at a level that wouldn't be harmful anymore. It was still there, but I knew that it would probably always be there. What had happened during their childhood would be a scar for the rest of their lives.

That night I went into their dreams and showed them the way to leave Hydra. They had a short window of time where I would deactivate all the doors and security, making sure to glamor them so they would be unnoticeable. If they took it, I would help them gain their powers and train them until they were ready to join the Avengers. If they didn't, well I would have to take extreme measures. Wanda needed to get her powers, she was a key part of the coming future. As long as she didn't get too powerful, it wouldn't be too hard to keep her under control.

Damn, if she ever found out about my plans she would kill me. Hopefully, it would be after we fought off a giant alien invasion and saved the universe.

* * *

The twins escaped from Hydra that night and met up with me at the base of the forest. They were barefoot, their white robes dirty and they held a wild look in their eyes.

"Hello Wanda, Pietro." I smiled at them, my hands tucked into the pocket of the jacket I was wearing. They gave me weary glances, which I could understand as they had no idea who I was, "I've been expecting you."

I've always wanted to be the mysterious figure meeting the heroes in the beginning of a film to lead them to their destiny. Finally, I have achieved it.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked as she held herself up, getting ready for a fight.

"There's no time to explain. Hydra should be searching for you soon." I said, "If you wish to escape, you must come with me."

"No way," Pietro scoffed, "We are not following a stranger, what if you lead us back to Hydra?"

I tilted my head as I smiled at them, "At this very moment as we speak Hydra is sending out a search troop for you two. Besides, if I really am Hydra what would it matter? You both know you would never make it out of the forest before they capture you. So truly, I'm your only hope."

They stayed quiet, sharing a look that was obviously a whole conversation between them. Then Pietro looked back at me and nodded.

"If you betray us, I'll kill you." He seethed. I just laughed, knowing that he wouldn't even be able to touch him. Turning around, I walked into the forest looking back once to signal them to follow me.

"Where are you taking us?" Wanda asked as she shivered. It was cold outside, her robe must have felt like she was wearing nothing. Pietro reached out to tuck her into his side, rubbing his hand up and down her arm to warm her up.

It was so sweet how much they cared for each other. I wanted to save them, both of them, so they could escape the death and destruction that seemed to follow them. Stopping in the middle of nowhere, as I had just been walking randomly, I turned around to look at them.

"I'm going to take you to a safe house in Sokovia. You are not allowed to leave it until I come back for you as it could alert Hydra of your presence. Are we clear?" I asked them, making sure to make my voice as serious as possible.

"What house?" Pietro asked, "We're in the middle of a goddamned forest!"

For purely aesthetic reasons I snapped my fingers and next thing we knew there was a portal next to me. Gasping, Pietro put out his arm and hid Wanda behind him. Bowing at the waist I waved my arm to the portal and grinned.

"Please step right through to the safe house!" Neither moved so I sighed and waved my arm at them, lifting them up from the ground as they yelled, "Really guys, we have no time! What part of being chased by an evil organization makes you think you can hesitate?" I threw them into the portal as they yelled then stepped through myself.

The safe house was an apartment in the center of Sokovia. It was really cute with bright yellow curtains and cream couches.

"We have satellite TV, a fully stocked fridge and pantry and two rooms. You also have wifi, an Xbox with a ton of games, and a walk in shower. There's no reason for you to leave. Which you won't because if you do Hydra will find you and kill you, wasting all my efforts to save you." I told them as I finished the tour of the apartment.

They both looked at me and then Wanda asked, "You're the one that led us out of the base, aren't you?"

Nodding, I answered honestly, "Yep. And I am very glad you both listened and escaped."

"Why?" She asked, "Out of everyone, why us?"

I took my time to answer, knowing that I couldn't completely tell them the truth but not wanting to lie either, "You both hate Hydra. Even though you volunteered for their experiments, you saw the terrors they committed. I believe in second chances and I think you both could do a lot of good in the world."

Pietro scoffed as he crossed his arms, glaring at me, "What good could we possibly do? We're just two kids that volunteered to join an evil group. We thought we were doing good then and look how that ended!"

"We all make mistakes Pietro," I said, "But I know you two have potential."

There was silence in the room, broken only when Wanda asked, "Who are you?"

"Aliana Gomez, secretary to the Avengers, at your service."

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