Start from the beginning

"And of course, we can't have Crusader without her counterpart, let's welcome the man who holds the fifth rank, son of the number one pro hero in Japan, the talented up and rising hero who is a graduate from U.A. as well, Shoto!"

As the crowd roared in cheers once again, an audible sigh was heard through the microphone as the announcer mumbled how he wasn't getting paid enough to deal with this.

After the rest of the heroes were revealed, which ended with last year's number one dropping to second place and second place dethroning the first, a mic was handed to the tenth-place hero which would then go down the line so all of them had a chance to speak.

And so began the long process of the top 10 pro-heroes giving their individual speeches, both (Y/N) and Todoroki's quick and not as lengthy as the others who recited long paragraphs.

After that, the heroes would make their way off the stage and attend interviews if they wanted or take pictures with fans, however (Y/N) and Todoroki both decided to skip that and head straight for the after party. To get an invitation to this celebration for the top ten pro heroes, people needed to be a pro hero themself or someone holding an influential enough position, however select paparazzi was allowed in as well.

Todoroki prevented multiple scandals that (Y/N) would have gotten herself into if he didn't stop her, whether that be to slowly put down her raising hand that threatened to flip off every camera person that came up to her or to distract her from cursing someone out. The habits of her old world really were engraved into her, and he has first-hand witnessed them too many times for him not to realize when she'll react sporadically.

The two currently sat at one of the round tables by themselves, many people attending the event keeping their distance in respect for them, however there were eyes still lingering on them or phones snapping pictures.

(Y/N) laid her head in her arms atop the table, one of her arms lazily outstretched as she swirled around a glass of expensive champagne in boredom. Every so often she would be forced to suppress a yawn, while other times she would glance over at Todoroki before looking away and pressing her lips together.

Todoroki noticed this odd behavior from her and was confused on what happened for him to receive such looks. Sure, he was oblivious to most things, but he could tell when something was really bothering her or not. Right now, her competitive side was definitely bruised, and he realized she wasn't really annoyed with him.

As if a lightbulb went off in his head, Todoroki's puzzled expression morphed into an amused one as a soft huff fell from his nose.

"Are you mad you're a rank below me?" He questionably teased, which made (Y/N) turn over in his direction to show her biting back a smile seeing how quick he figured her out despite trying to remain apathetic.

She placed the glass of champagne carefully back down on the table as she pulled her arm back towards her and sat up properly before shrugging nonchalantly.

"Maybe I am. But you're only there because your quirk is flashy, icy-hot." She replied, a spark seeming to shoot through the two of them.

From now on they would continue to have a friendly competition so that when the next rankings roll around, they would see who landed a place above the other for the fun of it. The competition would also give motivation for (Y/N) to stay on top of her hero work and not be seen in pictures yawning as frequently, so that was also a plus in the public's eye for her.

He smiled, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand. The heart eyes were obvious to anyone whose stray eyes found themselves on the couple, and as Todoroki reached his hand forward in hopes to hold her hand atop the table, (Y/N) looked to the side and narrowed her eyes making him freeze.

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