Night attack! : The Bovine, The Dinosaur, and the Wolf

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Basically, every p*** game has a male or female person fall asleep and make "Fun" For the ending screen, but here in my OC's case *Blaz, Asterion, and Diegazar*. With achievement base system. all unlockable's are unlocked except achievements

universal (4)

You goofed up, big time: Wake the three up

You mega goofed up, but..: Wake the three up with max pleasure and C***, this cause them to go embarrassed

You entered credits, Now enjoy your stay: Click the credits 

Please stop spamming tutorials, i know that: Press the Tutorial button 10 times

Asterion (5) :

Shove that pole up your a** : Use the pole D**** function and shove it onto asterion A***

Thunderstruck :Use the Shock Feature onto asterion D*** and b*** while he was asleep

Max hornii : Reach asterion pleasure meter to 3+

MilTank : Make Asterion lactate bull milk either through Tickle, Pec Pumps, max pleasure, or Shock

Do bovines even wet the bed?: Make asterion c*** in streams of liquid se****

Diegazar (4) :

Axe Shove: use the axe-sword handle and shove it into Diegazar dino sl*t and a**

Wake up, Boss: Make Diegazar  wake up while using the finger option to the s*l**t

Sticky Glue: use the vial of the spider onto diegazar and make him C*** sticky se****

Rings of power : Make diegazar C*** via "Vibration rings", on the ni****, low, on the sl**, high

Blaz (6) :

Arcane fle***l****: Use the arcane shape tool onto blaz D***

Ectoplasmic Tribute: Use the arcane ghost D*** with b*** and F*** blaz with it and make him C***

Arcane milking: Make blaz lactate via potion of pure taurus and rub his P***

tickle the big bad wolf: Make blaz laugh in his sleep via feather tickle

Knockout!: Wake blaz up and knock him out with the potion of slumber

Mirage Illusions: Use the arcane ghost + Arcane shape tool and make him C**** by his own illusions 

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