Ch53: Opening Festival (1)

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Me: I'm leaving.

Rimuru: Please-

Me: We've had this discussion already.

Rimuru: At least stay for the opening ceremony.

Me: I don't-

Rimuru: Please. We have no need for such. The damage you'd done is inconsequential and you've already repaired most of it on your own. Allow us to handle the rest as a-


Me: You're not going to let this go, are you?

Rimuru: I-

Me: Fine. If your city gets destroyed don't look at me.

I don't even bother to look at his expression or wait for a response before turning away from the waiting train. It had come back at my request to take me back to Allyria. Despite the fact I can get there with less than a snap of my fingers, I figured it the political thing to do to at least leave the way I came. 


Why did I ever agree to come along on this trip in the first place.

Athena: [Because Amelia asked-]

Me: [I swear the minute I figure out how to get you out of me you're gone.]

Athena: [Like you did to Rosetta?]

Me: [I-]

Athena: [Wouldn't work. She was a separate entity from the very beginning. I am a part of you now. There's no getting rid of me.]

Me: [Mhhmmm...sure.]

With a swift motion, I signal to the train that I'll be spending the night before leaving. After I give them a timeframe to work with and the few maids that had gotten on in advance disembark, the train takes off once more. They'll likely wait just outside the Jura Forest for me rather than return all the way to Allyria but I still feel slightly bad for working them this much.


Why do they even ant me here anyways? It's not like I will be taking part in any of the talks between or nations or even the events they have prepared. No. I'm only here to-

????: Hello!

My thought process broken, I look down to find a cute little girl staring back up at me. It takes me a while to realise this is Rimuru's daughter and even longer to remember that she's technically my own but despite my hesitation to spend time with her, when she asks for me to play with her I don't immediately refuse.

Hayami: Please?

Her puppy eyes are adorable. Reminds me of someone.

Me: Why not play with Grimm instead?

Hayami: Grimm?

Me: Yes. She's my daughter. Slightly older than you but I'm sure you'd get along just fine.

Hayami: But-

Shuna: That's an excellent idea. Let's go, Lady Hayami, before...excuse us.

Shuna all but pushes the poor girl away as though fleeing from death itself. Seeing her like this is quite amusing, especially given they are supposedly amongst the stronger of Rimuru's forces. It makes me wonder if we couldn't simply knock them out of the fight from now and remove yet another obstacle in our way but alas, I was the one to accept in the first place. At the time, I had more pressing matters but now that we're free...

Joanne: Your majesty, shall we return inside?

Me: Actually, I think I'll go about and see what this festival has to offer.

Joanne: Please, allow us to accompany you.

It only takes a single glance between her and the rest of the maids to tell they are eagerly waiting to "serve me". I don't particularly want to be chaperoned but I suppose it IS their duty and I shouldn't take it from them. I'm sure it's already hard to keep up with someone like me as things are. No need to make them worse.

Me: Very well.

Joanne: Thank you-

Me: But, I want you all to enjoy yourselves.

All: Serving you is all the joy we need, ma'am!

It catches me off guard, so much so that I can only smile in response before turning away. They were so serious about it too! 

Grimm: Mom!

Looking up, I find Grimm sprinting towards me. Behind her, Lucille and Reign walk at a more casual pace. I'm surprised to see Reign still around given what she's normally like but then again I suppose Lucille's probably the one who roped her into whatever this is.

Grimm reaches me quickly but stops just short, out of immediate reach. She seems embarrassed by something or perhaps I'm misreading her expressions.

Grimm: Are you still mad at me?


Grimm: I'm sorry (sobs) I didn't mean to-

Smiling, I kneel down in front of her and cups her cheek with my hand, using my thumb to wipe away her tears.

Me: I'm not mad at you. I never was.

Grimm: B-but-

I pull her into a hug and after a split second during which her body goes rigid, she relaxes within my arms.

Me: It's okay-

Camille: There you are!

We both look up to find Camille all but storming up towards our small gathering. I was wondering where she had gone off to.

Me: You're lucky we didn't leave you behind.

Camille: Wha-

Joanne: Now, now, Lady Camille. Shouldn't you clean up before presenting yourself before Her Majesty?

Camille: Wha-

Cammile doesn't even get the chance to respond before the other maids grab hold of her and are hauling her off towards the building in which we're staying. She attempts to resist but I know from experience, those efforts are futile.

Camille: Let me go!

Joanne: Careful, milady. You might accidentally create an even larger crater than-

Camille: We don't have time for this! The Festival is

Milim: About to begin! And you better not ruin my bestie's festival or I'll-

Me: Do what?

Milim: I'll-

Me: Oh look, it's Rimuru.

Milim: What? Where?

Hahahahaha. Tonight will be interesting. I can tell. Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to stay behind for at least a few more hours, after all.

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