Ch43: Even More Visitors (1)

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We're back in the city now, all seated under a pavilion in the City Hall's grounds. Rimuru's standing before us all with a smaller but much prettier version of himself by his side. He's been stalling ever since we got back but I'm not sure what he's so embarrassed about. I mean, it's only a single girl. If the thought of having a child freaks him out this badly, what'd he do if he was placed in my shoes? 

Athena: [It'd be unfair to compare your situation to his. Your children are all old enough to take care of themselves.]

Me: [Gr-]

Athena: [Most of your children...though to be fair, she can take care of herself so I wasn't exactly wrong.]

Not feeling like arguing with Athena, I instead refocus on Rimuru right in time to see a man I've yet to meet arrive by flying horse. The men with him are also using flying horses. I believe they were called Pegasus in my old world's mythology but I never thought they'd actually exist...

Rimuru: King Gazel-

Gazel: Rimuru, I heard you now have a daughter...

He stops speaking when his eyes fall on the girl still all but glued to Rimuru's side, even though she's hiding ever so slightly behind him. I suppose from her height King Gazel would indeed appear as nothing more than a scary giant to the mind of a child.

Gazel tries speaking with her but it only scares her more. Still, when Rimuru finally recovers from dying inside out of embarrassment and introduces the newcomer officially, she greets him much to the surprise of everyone.

Hayami: Are you daddy's friend?

Gazel: Why, as a matter of fact, I am. Aren't I? HAHAHA!

Me: [Well that was a drastic shift in personality.]

Athena: [She's a child. They are pretty volatile.]

Not sure if that's the word I would use to describe her right now but that can wait. The more important question would be why is King Gazel looking at me like that? Surely he can't sense anything off about me, I mean my aura should certainly be completely erased...

Gazel: Rimuru, are these friends of yours too?

Rimuru: Hmm? Ohh...hahaha...well...would you believe me if I said that was the Queen of the ne nation-

Gazel: WHAAAT? 

Me: Wouldn't just introducing me as your ally be a much-

Gazel: WHAT?

Rimuru: A lot has happened-


Me: [This Gazel fellow strikes me as the type that doesn't trust me. Should I be wary of him?]

Athena: [Negative. He's not a threat. He wouldn't needlessly risk his nation. What's more, I think he perceives us as a threat.]

Sensing that the two may want to speak alone, I stand and excuse myself. However, as I walk towards the exit, King Gazel intercepts me. We stand, facing each other for a while before he finally makes the first move.

Gazel: I-

Me: Gazel Dwargo, King of the Armed Nation of Dwargon and ally to the Jura Tempest Federation, yes?

Gazel: You know who I am.

Me: Ahh, where are my manners. I'm Myra. I believe you have some business to attend to with Rimuru, yes? Don't let me stop you. 

When he doesn't immediately respond, I smile before stepping past him and out from under the pavilion. Camille, ever by my side, leaves with me as well thus ending the representation of Allyria at the meeting. 

Camille: Your Majesty, did you need to-

Me: Careful Camille...

Camille: Please for-

Me: You may not want to know the answer to that question.

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