Ch32: Planning

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All my subordinates have gathered before me in the throne room. If I am not mistaken, it's the first time everyone's gotten together like this since the meeting we had shortly after my Harvest Festival. As I look over them, I can't help but feel pleased with how our numbers have increased since then. Indeed, I couldn't have done better if I had planned this all out from the start. Present before me are my daughters (Lucille, Grimm and Reign) and with them, Grimm's primary subordinates (Crimson Menace). Next, there are the five Dragons (Morganna, Ruby, Emerald, Camille and Amethyst). I haven't seen Amethyst for a while since she was training under Cecilia. I wonder how much she's improved since then. 

Necron and his brother, Shaun, are also present alongside Amelia who Shaun's charged with protecting. Beside them are the three vampires I created (Rosetta, Cecilia and Mai) and with them, all of my Royal Maids, including Aika and Joanne. Truly a magnificent sight. Still, the top three commanders from the Solis Knights are also here alongside the commander of my Sakura. Now that I think of it, I think this might be the first time any of them have officially met one of my Sakura. That being said, I am sure they already knew of their existence. Cecilia's children who frequent the Institute would certainly know they exist at the very least since their Astros are developed there. 

Me: Over the last month, we have made much progress but as I am sure you are aware, the threat of an angel attack still hangs overhead. There is too much we do not know of this world and to that end, we must collect updated data. Any suggestions? 

Of course, this isn't entirely true. Athena has already provided me with the full rundown of the angels and the world before this meeting. In fact, she started covering it all shortly after finding out about the attack. Still, I can't help but feel her information might be a bit outdated and even she admits that based on her calculations, such an event should have never occurred until the technology level we are at now, over a month after the angel attacked. Furthermore, the fact that they haven't attacked despite us reaching her predicted levels is cause for concern. Thus, we both agree that we need more data.

Cecilia: Might I suggest forming an underground network?

Me: Oh...why underground? 

Cecilia: During my time governing Luna, I've learnt the importance of information and have found it far more effective to gain said information through illicit means rather than simply asking nicely. Furthermore, it would also allow us to control things from behind the scenes and give us updated and precise information on surrounding nations at all times.

I suppose. Still, I can't imagine breaking into this world's criminal underbelly will be easy. If we are to do something like that, it'd need to be someone with the skills required to run such an organization. Though, I must say...I do love the idea of playing other nations like puppets on a string. I'm intrigued.

Athena: [I recommend using Licht, Phoebe, Tai, Avery and Lux for this endeavour.]

Me: [That so? I was thinking Cecilia though I suppose it would mean taking her away from her governing role and I did promise her that city so she could wreak all the havoc and get all the blood she could ever desire.]

Athena: [I estimate that my proposed solution would achieve a more successful result of instilling fear and quickly rising through the ranks of the criminal society much more effectively. While I do think that Lady Cecilia would be successful in instilling fear, I must also acknowledge that she is more likely to eradicate the system rather than control it.]

Me: [Haha. I suppose. She does have the habit of getting a bit carried away. Still, are you certain they'll be any different? After all, three of the five are even more bloodthirsty than she is.]

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