Ch36: Interlude (P3)

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Clayman's POV: 

I awaken inside of a cave, just as I had prepared. Still, despite still being alive, the memories of what happened at Walpurgis are fresh. If it wasn't for that ultimate skill I gained when I underwent my Harvest Festival, I'd be dead right now. Yes, I have been a fool. I thought the only threat to my existence after my awakening was the other Demon Lords and that pesky girl that conquered my domain but no...I underestimated this slime. I can't allow such to ever happen again. It won't do to keep on being defeated like this. I need to regain my reputation somehow. 

Laplace: You're finally awake, huh?

Me: Ahh, Laplace. You're here. 

Laplace: Well we couldn't leave your real body just laying undefended now could we? 

Me: Haha. My mistake. Thank you.

Laplace: Sure, though that's not the only reason I am here.

Me: Hmm?

Laplace: The President wishes to speak to you. It's been far too long.

The president, huh? It really has. I had received news of his successful reincarnation but I haven't had the time to personally see him. So much has happened. I lost the possessions he gave me. I made the same mistakes he did even though he warned me not to do so. How could I have been so foolish? Do I dare face him after all this? No...I must. I must atone for my actions and find some way to fix my own mistakes. Yes, that is the only course of action. 

Me: Very well, I'm ready to leave when you are.

Laplace: No need. He's already here.

Me: Whaaat? 

????: You have awakened, excellent, we have much to discuss. 

The voice is that of a woman, in fact, the entire appearance is feminine but I would know this person anywhere. Yes, this feeling, there is only one person I know who invokes it. The "Curse Lord" Kazaream has returned...but, why the female body? 

Me: My Lord, it is great to see you alive and well. 

????: Enough with the pleasantries. This's called Kagali and that's what I'll be called going forward. There are only a few persons who know I have returned and I intend to keep it that way until I have fully recovered.

Me: As you wish.

Yuuki: As touching as this reunion is, what happened?

Kagali: I'm curious too. Teare and Footman have already informed us but I wish to hear from you, personally. 

I recall everything that has transpired, starting from the moment I was first killed by that female. They all listen attentively and for the first time, I feel like I have truly commanded the attention of everyone in a room through my presence alone rather than fear or magic. It feels wonderful. I could definitely get used to this.

Me: ... and then I woke up here and the rest, I'm sure you're aware.

Yuuki: This will ruin our plans completely. 

Me: Oh?

Yuuki: My contacts have already informed me that both Rimuru and this Myra person have already decided to ally together. Given they've also both shown their strength, I expect the Demon Lords will accept them both into their ranks rather than go to war. After all, isn't that the same thing they did when Leon defeated you, Kagali?

Kagali: It is. They value strength above all else. They will accept them both. 

Yuuki: If that occurs, I expect the Holy Church might still try to intervene with that monster nation under Rimuru but we won't have that luxury. We need to leave the public scene before things are traced back to us. 

Me: You want to go into hiding?

Yuuki: I want to disappear. We will still need to control things but remaining in the light any longer threatens our very existence. 

Laplace: I agree. There are too many unknown variables right now and we've been directly involved with all of them so they all have a reason to hunt us down. 

Yuuki: Precisely. Your mission to the Holy Church will likely have them hunting you down while Clayman's actions against both Tempest and Allyria will have them looking for the others responsible. The only advantage we have right now is that they think Clayman is dead. We should keep it that way as much as possible because I am sure, if they find out, all hell will break loose. 

Me: How do you propose we carry this out then?

Yuuki: We'll leave the Free Guild, obviously. To retain our control, however, we will enter the criminal underworld and seize control. Kagali and I have already been making plans towards that end so the transition will be a lot smoother than it would otherwise be. Come what may, we will succeed in achieving our goals, one way or another. 

Laplace: I see, and the Moderate Harlequin Alliance will spearhead this endeavour. 

Yuuki: Yes, but it won't do to have all members publicly leading this organization. To that end, we will only have three. It will be known as Cerberus and have three heads, Teare, Footman and you. Clayman, Kagali and I will continue operating from the shadows while you spearhead the operation and establish your reputation. 

Me: I see. With this, we could even infiltrate that girl's kingdom and find out her secrets without exposing ourselves further. 

Yuuki: Precisely. Any further questions? Good, let us get started then. 

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