Ch50: Death or Death?

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Grimm and I reappearing in the midst of Tempest's capital startles quite a few persons, the least of which aren't the city guard who immediately surround us. However, I'm not really in the mood to explain myself so before they can ask questions I knock them all out with a simple flick of the wrist. 

Me: I need something strong. Grimm, go enjoy yourself.

Athena: [That may be a futile endeavour.]

Me: Hmm?

Athena: [If it were merely a skill I could perhaps help you here but your body will purge the alcoholic properties faster than you could ever hope to consume it or rather, it'll burn through it all converting it to energy in the process so it'll have the opposite effect of what you're hoping for.]

I don't even bother answering her as I begin making my way toward the building we're staying in. The entire street parts before me as though I'm giving off some type of death aura but I'm so focused on the goal of putting everything out of my mind that I don't notice until someone blocks my path.

????: How dare you attack my bestie's subordinates!

Me: Huh...

I look up to find this pink-haired girl standing before me. At first, I almost think she's Grimm but on closer inspection, she's certainly not my daughter though she does look familiar. No matter, she's in between me and blissful, eternal rest.

Yawning, I stretch before simply continuing on my way. As I attempt to simply walk around her, however, she reaches forward to grab me and for some reason, I just snap. Before I'm even aware of what I'm doing, my hand wraps around her neck and squeezes as I lift her frail form off the ground. She's so tiny...I could probably swat her like a bug and no one would notice.

She attacks me in an attempt to break free but her attacks bounce helplessly off the barriers surrounding me.

Me: Tell me, which is your favourite way to die? Death by suffocation or death by crushing?

????: Mmmmm!

Me: Neither? is less a matter of which you prefer and more about which will kill you first.

Athena: [I didn't want to interrupt you but I've finished my calculations and there's a 100% chance that Veldanava is responsible for the incursions. I doubt killing his daughter will-]

Me: [His daughter?]

She falls silent but even without her response, I've long since worked out who she is. Seems life continues to bless me in unforeseen ways. If this pink-haired thing is his child then what better way to exact my revenge than by removing her from existence? Still, such plans can wait for now.

Letting her go, I continue on my way as though nothing has happened but it's not long before I feel a projectile coming my way. I don't pay it any mind, however, and even as it hits me and I am engulfed in flame I just keep moving towards the house.

????: How dare you make fun of me!

I keep walking.

????: Face m-

Rimuru: What's going on here?

I keep walking.

Rimuru: What happened to...Milim did you-

So that's where I know her from. Of course, Milim. How could I forget? She's one of the demon lords is she not and now that I'm one of them I really should make an effort to remember their faces. 

Milim: No! She did it.

I feel the entire street's eyes turn my way but deciding to have a little fun, I change my appearance ever so slightly then wait until Rimuru catches up to me.

Rimuru: Queen M-

Me: Hmmm?

I turn to face him and almost give myself away when I see the shocked look that spreads across his face.

Rimuru: Who are you and why have you attacked-

Me: They're the ones that drew their weapons first. I'd say they should be grateful I only knocked them out.

Rimuru: What?

He looks around but the others on the street all nod in agreement. Whatever they might think of my actions the indisputable fact is that those baffoons drew their weapons and encircled me the minute I arrived. On any other day I would have lit them up with lightning like a Christmas tree but as entertaining as that would have been I really just want to crash in bed and waste the rest of the day away. Why's it so hard for everyone else to understand?

Me: If that's everything, can I go?

Rimuru: I-

He cuts himself short and his eyes narrow as though he suspects something is off. Before either of us can say anything else, however, Camille appears between us.

Camille: Please forgive her, Lord Rimuru. She came along with us and I'm afraid she isn't quite used to conducting herself appropriately for such a diplomatic visit. We'll compensate you for any damage done and in exchange, I hope that you'll be able to forgive her just this once.

Whatever Rimuru was about to say clearly gets thrown off by Camille's speech but he accepts her explanation and after a few more words, leaves us behind. 

Me: Quite the entrance.

Camille: shouldn't go around stirring up trouble, your majesty.

Me: You can't deny it would have been fun to see which of us was stronger though...

She opens her mouth as if to respond but decides against it. By the time she turns to face me properly, however, I'm already tilting to the side. Sensing the impending crisis, I barely manage to steady myself before blacking out completely.

That Time I Got Reincarnated As... (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora