Ch4: Genesis

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The chirping of birds awakens me from my slumber but I immediately regret it. A piercing pain rips through me causing me to curl up in utter agony. Soon after I awaken, however, a hand presses against my skin and my eyes blast open. 

Amelia: Are you ok, mistress? 

For a moment the pain vanishes entirely as I stare up at her blankly. What does she mean by mistress? The only person that has ever called me that was Rose. I'm not allowed much time to ponder this much longer, however, as the pain quickly returns causing me to flinch in the process. Amelia gasps and calls out to Rose who comes rushing in.

Rose: You're awake! 

My mind practically screams at her to shut up. Obviously, I am awake. Who could sleep through pain like this? This must be what giving birth feels like though if it is I can't see why anyone would do so more than once. Glancing around the room, my eyes land on Rose's sword and for a brief moment my mind decides death is a better alternative. Rose sees this though and laughs before offering me her hand.

Rose: It can't be that bad. You're just hungry.

The minute the word hunger leaves her mouth it's as though it all suddenly makes sense. What's more, there's food nearby. I can smell it. Before I can even make heads or tails of which direction it's coming from,  I find myself kneeling in front of a bonfire reaching in with my gloved hands to pull out the meat being roasted. 

Necron: Uhhhhh...

A hand grabs mine before it can reach the meat and pulls it back out of the fire. Looking at who'd dare come between me and my own survival I find myself face to face with Rose. We're so close, in fact, that in turning my head my lips brush hers for a brief moment. Her eyes widen in surprise and she jumps back but all that seemingly crosses my mind is the taste she leaves behind. 

Me: You taste nice.

Necron chokes on his food at this as Rose turns bright red. I didn't even know someone with skin like hers could change colour. Still, she's probably right about one thing. I really shouldn't go pushing my hand into fires. It's just that I am so hungry.

Amelia: Here you go ma'am. 

Amelia hands me a bowl filled with various kinds of food. Under normal circumstances, I'd at least want to know what I am eating but right now I feel like even poison would cause me to live longer. This hunger I am feeling is truly unrivalled. I'm sure if I don't eat this dish this very instant, I'll die, so I wolf it down. As I do, Rosetta begins explaining what's happening or at least, what has already happened. 

Rose: The hunger stems from the fact that you haven't eaten since arriving but have been constantly using your Ultimate Skills. While normally, this wouldn't cause much of a problem as long as you had the necessary magicules, your body simply lacked the nutrients needed to constantly expel this much-

Me: So as long as I stay fed I won't fall again?

Rose: Well, there is still the limitation with your ultimate skills which only allow you to use one of them at maximum capacity at a time, excluding Seven Seals. 

Me: I see. I hope I wasn't out for long then.

Necron: You weren't. It's only been a few hours since the fight but as you can no doubt tell, night has fallen. We've moved away from where the city was just in case others come in search of details on what happened. 

Me: That's good, but I think I'd like to set up here. 

Necron: What do you mean?

Me: Well, as powerful as we all are, it'd be in our best interest to have our own nation, no? Besides as a General, you need an army to command, so I'll just set up my nation right here.

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