Ch29: Revival

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The rest of the Walpurgis Banquet goes rather smoothly. I speak to Guy and find out we have some things in common. It took some doing but eventually, he was convinced to let my prior demands slide. Me flaunting a portion of my aura might have had something to do with this choice since the mere sight of it knocked a few people out and the rest that withstood only did so because I retracted it before it exceeded a sixteenth of its true form but hey, whatever works, works. 

Eventually, we all say our goodbyes and I prepare to head to finally check on my forces. They stopped dying so I figured Lucille had resolved whatever was causing them to die but I'm still curious as to what happened. Before I can teleport away, however, Rimuru comes over and requests to join me. Not seeing a reason to deny his request, I accept and teleport him, his subordinate, Camille and myself to the army's location.

We arrive as expected but I almost try teleporting us again, thinking we're in the wrong place. Athena stops me, however, quickly pointing out that this is the correct location. Still, even with her confirmation, I can't believe my eyes. There's destruction and death everywhere. I can't even begin to imagine what the land looked like before all the craters and holes. As I continue looking around, I notice that those that are alive are busy tossing bodies into large fires. I briefly wonder for a moment how many they've burnt already but when Athena begins to provide the number of dead, I quickly cut her off. It's best I remain in the dark. 


I guess even Camille's at a loss for words right now. As my eyes continue scanning the wasteland before me, they finally land on a group walking towards us. The group's small and missing a lot of persons I am expecting to see but as it approaches, I cast the worry aside in favour of simply finding out what happened. 

Me: What happened?

Lucille: The army was attacked by an angel-

Me: An angel?

Athena: [Warning: An attack from an angel will only occur as a precursor to war unless...]

Me: [Unless what?]

Athena: [There is another possibility but it is so unlikely I-]

Me: [What is it?]

Athena: [Veldanava being successfully revived.]

She proceeds to give me the short version of who Veldanava is, informing me that not only is he the creator of this world but also that he was the most powerful being while he was alive. When I ask how he died, however, I am surprised to find out he died a human thanks to a long list of causes which started when the vast majority of his power was transferred to his daughter, Milim.

Me: [What a small world. This is the same Milim I was just at war with, no?]

Athena: [Correct.]

A small world indeed. Wonder if that means her daddy's upset that Cecilia practically mocked her? Then again, Athena did say it was unlikely. Still, she said the same thing about angels attacking my forces this early so I'm not quite certain how to take this news. 

Me: [Athena, begin calculations. See if there is a real chance that this Veldanava has returned.]

She confirms and begins working right away. Assuming it will take some time, I return my attention to the conversation at hand and just in time to hear that Rosetta is out of commission for a few days. Lucille continues by specifying exactly what she thinks is wrong with her but assures me she'll be fine. Despite her assurances, however, I decide to check on her later just to make sure. 

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