Ch39: Journey (P2)

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I awaken to the sound of laughter. Shifting into a more comfortable position, I find Grimm's head planted firmly on my chest. It takes me a while to remember why but once I do, I smile. Just from how she's positioned, I can tell she had woken up prior. The fact she didn't relocate off the train in terror says at the very least, I did something right.

Athena: [Estimated ten minutes to arrival.]

Looking out the window reveals that its night time. Given we left fairly early and the train moves quickly, I'm surprised by this but Athena reminds me that Tempest hasn't finished clearing the path for the road. Thanks to the small minor fact, we were forced to approach Tempest from the direction of Dwargon meaning we had to go around the Great Forest of Jura rather than through it. Of course, this would add time to our trip. 

Me: Hey. We're almost there. Time to get up.

I don't say it particularly loud and as a result, she doesn't wake but as I continue looking over her facial features, I decide against pressing further. Surely she must be tired after all the hard work she's put in over the last month. I can only imagine how hard it is for someone like her to focus on anything for that long, let alone actually complete the work in a faster than expected timeframe. 

I'm not sure how long I am caught in my thoughts but eventually, I feel the train begin decelerating much more than prior. Tightening my grip ever so slightly, I ensure Grimm doesn't fall but even more surprising is the fact that she still doesn't awaken. She must really be tired. 

Amelia: Your Majesty, we'll be arriving shortly. I-

Before she can continue, I signal to her to keep it down and she quickly understands, retracting with a smile. Still, it doesn't stop her from mouthing that we would be arriving with little prior notice. Even without Athena telling me, it's clear to me why. If I'm not mistaken, the original plan was to stop in Draconia and travel the rest of the way by carriage but I assume that since I was asleep, they figured it's best to let me rest and simply continued onwards. Thanks to this, we are actually arriving the night before. 

Shaun: Lady Amelia, please stay by my side once we arrive. I-

Necron: You worry too much Shaun. Loosen up a little. We aren't only going to be here for your diplomatic mission you know. 

Amelia: He's right. Go enjoy the festival. Live a little.

Shaun: I-

The train begins its final approach, decelerating at an even faster pace. Looking outside reveals trees whizzing by but I can tell we have already decelerated a lot since I can make out the individual trees. In amongst them, I notice a few eyes stare my way here and there but don't think anything of it. After all, even if they are curious to see what's inside, the diamond-like coating on the outside should prevent even the closest examination from revealing anything. 

Aika: Your Majesty, would you like us to-

Me: No. That won't be necessary. I'll handle it though I'll need you to come with me to clear the path. 

Aika: As you wish. 

The trees outside are replaced with buildings, indicating that we have entered the city. I must say, it is really convenient to have the train simply hover rather than depend on tracks. It must have shaved a good few days off our trip by being able to move across any terrain. 

Looking around, I take a quick note of the people gathered to welcome us. For a group of people who weren't expecting us, they are sure prepared. I suppose the Sakura travelled ahead to alert them. Always a pleasure having such dependable persons by my side. 

The train comes to a stop within a large square. Grimm still hasn't awakened and because of it, I'm not quite sure what to do. As such, I stay back as everyone else gets off. Athena suggest transporting myself away from the crowd with her but to do such, I'd have to know the layout of my surroundings. Currently, I'm not even sure where we'll be staying. While I am stuck trying to decide, however, it quickly comes to my attention that the others are effectively avoiding questions about whether I came along or not. It puts a smile on my face. To think they'd go so far out of their way to assist. 

Me: Grimm...

Grimm: Hmmm...

Me: You have to wake up. You can go back to sleep later.

She doesn't respond, and her breathing makes it clear that she only responded during sleep and nothing more. Deciding to simply carry her, I reposition her in my lap so that her head rests on my shoulder before lifting her. To my surprise, she tightens her hold by wrapping her legs and arms around me and for a moment, it almost causes me to trip. After regaining my balance, however, I notice that Aika has come back inside to check on us. 

Me: Can-

Aika: It will be done.

I watch her leave, stunned to silence. Does she even know what I was going to ask? Looking through the window reveals something even better than what I had in mind. The maids have created a screen allowing me to pass from the train to a nearby building without being seen by the crowd. As I watch the scene fold out before me, however, I am suddenly hit by a wave of exhaustion. 

Stepping out of the train, I make my way down the path created with Grimm fast asleep in my arms. At the door, I find Aika and Rimuru waiting for me.

Me: Pleasure as always. Is this where we'll be staying?

Rimuru: It is-

How convenient. Not even waiting to listen to the rest of his statement, I excuse myself and head straight in. Aika smiles and follows, directing me straight up a stairway and down a hall before opening the doors to a rather large room. There, I find a bed that looks rather comfortable. Before I know what's happening I'm putting Grimm down on it. The next, I've collapsed beside her, completely devoid of energy.

Aika doesn't follow, instead, excusing herself and saying goodnight before closing the door. The last thing I hear is her informing Rimuru that I won't be able to speak to him tonight before telling some of the royal guards to take their posts at the door. Despite the door being shut, the outdoor sounds still spill in and as I drift off, I hear sounds of laughter, much like a celebration. Still, I am far too tired to discern any certainties and quickly, it too fades away. 

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