Ch48: Encounter

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Nahlani's POV:

As I cross into the Eastern Empire, I can't help but feel I am being watched but when I scan my surroundings, there's no one there. The girl I'd defeated and her skeleton friend are moving incredibly fast up ahead but as I draw closer they suddenly stop as what looks like a portal opens before them. Trying to catch up, I increase my speed even further but before I can reach them it closes leaving me alone in the now empty opening.

Sighing, I use the opportunity to properly take in my surroundings and for the first time I notice that I've actually gone much further than I would have liked. If the Eastern Empire finds out I'm here, it'd give them a great excuse to resume hostilities, especially since I'd be considered a high ranking military personnel. 

Me: [Forgive me, your majesty, but I've lost the target.]

Myra: [Did they outrun you?]

Me: [No. They used some sort of portal to transport themselves elsewhere.]

Myra: [Where are you now?]

Glancing around again, I fail to find any distinguishable landmark to pinpoint exactly where I am but before I can mention this, the sound of an arrow being strung catches my ear. Without hesitation, I go invisible and quickly leave the clearing before searching around for the archer but even after scanning for magical signatures, I fail to locate them. I do, however, eventually locate another being that is attempting to hide its presence from me. After updating the queen on the situation, I unmask myself and step back into the clearing.

Me: You can't hide from me.

It doesn't respond but I didn't expect it to. As such, after pinpointing its exact location, I fire a single fireball. It doesn't do much in terms of causing damage but it does force the creature to reveal itself as it pours everything into blocking the attack though why it didn't just dodge is beyond me. Now visible, however, I'm surprised to find it's actually a female...maid...wolf? I'm so confused by what my eyes are seeing that as she launches an attack of her own, I almost fail to deflect it only managing to do so at the very last minute.

wolf? I'm so confused by what my eyes are seeing that as she launches an attack of her own, I almost fail to deflect it only managing to do so at the very last minute

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????: managed to block.

Me: Who are you? 

????: Hmmm?

Me: Are you with that skeleton?

????: How dare-


As the dust clears, I find Princess Grimm standing there with my opponent unconscious beneath her feet.

Me: Your highness...I wasn't expecting any reinforcements.

Grimm: Mommy says I'm to help you find their hideout. 

Me: If her majesty wishes it so-

Grimm: So where are they?

Me: Well, you just flattened my only potential lead, so...

The horror that crosses her face as the words leave my mouth almost causes me to laugh but I just about hold it in, settling for a few stifled giggles as she starts frantically shaking the maid to get her to wake up. I've not been around her long but from what I've seen in the capital before she left to go to Tempest with the Queen, I can definitely tell what's going through her mind.

Grimm: Wake up you stupid wolf!

Yes, she may be one of the strongest beings this world has but ultimately she's still a child and right now that is most certainly on display. The mere thought places a smile on my face. That one so powerful would fear their own mother's potential wrath...

Me: Hahahahahaha!

Forgive me, Your Highness. I can't hold it in any longer though I do hope for both our sakes that you didn't kill the poor girl. Even I wouldn't want to face the queen after such an occurrence. 

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