Ch6: A New Nation (P1)

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I awaken to the feeling of my body being caressed by something soft. Opening my eyes reveals I am in a rather massive bed in an even bigger room. Further analysis reveals that I am in white silky dress-looking clothing. As I sit up, I'm immediately aware of how much longer my hair is and how I am, in general, taller. Even without standing, it's blatantly clear as I look at my feet, now much further away than before. Just how long have I been asleep? 

I don't immediately get out of bed. Instead, I continue looking around the room. It is quite extravagant. Everywhere I turn, there's gold and marble. As I continue taking in everything, however, there's a knock on the door. Before I can respond, someone enters.

 Before I can respond, someone enters

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 ????: Oh, forgive me, Your Majesty. I wasn't aware you had awakened. 

I watch as the stranger who's obviously a maid falls to her knees and bows her head. I'm uncertain of what to make of the entire thing. By now I am used to people calling me many things but no one has ever addressed me as a royal before. Though I suppose Necron did when he said, my liege. Maybe she's one of his?

Me: What's your name?

Without looking up, she tells me that she hasn't yet been assigned one as I haven't yet given her one. It's the first time someone has assumed that I'd give them a name so it intrigues me and I decide to push further but her reply all but stuns me into silence. 

????: You created me when you created this nation, its people, its buildings, its armies, its government and the other forty-two maids. When you created us, the maids, we were commanded to serve you in the palace. We were also made separately from all the other citizens so that we could serve as adequate guardians of the Royal Palace. 

Me: I created you? The last thing I remember is blacking out after some voice asked me if I wanted to become a Demon Lord and I said yes...

She doesn't seem bothered by my reply. Instead, she looks as though she fully expected it. Still kneeling on the floor, she explains that at some point during my ascension, I created the forty-three maids through the influence of the entity known only as the Voice of The World. She also explains that the same voice tasked the maids with guarding the palace and serving as its maids per my will. 

Then I apparently created a massive city, complete with massive walls, various districts and an enormous population. I also created its government and military branches alongside establishing myself as the undisputed ruler of the land. The Voice of The World thingy then named the new nation Allyria and granted it all the land which previously belonged to Jistarv but under the condition that I take/conquer the rest of the land myself. 

According to her, the Voice also said that following the creation of Allyria my Genesis skill, now a sub-skill of a new ultimate skill, would be restricted to only being able to create single beings and clones going forth alongside aiding in me returning my existing subordinates. I guess this Voice of The World being figured having the ability to create and take life on a massive scale was simply too powerful a trait to have. I'm also apparently limited to now creating one being per year though this limitation doesn't affect clones or me recreating existing subordinates. 

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