Ch3: Old, Cruel World

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Yamza and Rosetta have been fighting for some time, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Their fight, which started in the arena, has spread as far as the centre of the city causing widespread panic. Necron and I use this to our advantage, breaking out of the arena but the soldiers quickly catch on and give chase. 

Necron: Get to safety. I'll handle them.

He turns, cutting down the closest soldier causing the others to halt and reevaluate the situation. His brother and I also stop, not wanting to leave him behind. 

Necron: Shaun! Protect her for me! 

Shaun: But brother!

Necron: Go! I'll catch up to you soon!

Necron turns and gives his brother a thumbs up before charging at the soldiers who seemingly still hadn't recovered from seeing one of their own getting cut down. Shaun curses but complies with his brother's request and soon we are running through back alleys once more. Up above, purple and blue lights continue to flash as Rosetta's battle continues but I have no idea where the flashes are coming from. 

Shaun: We need to get out of the city! This way! 

Shaun makes a sharp right turn which catches me off guard. I miss the turn completely and suddenly find myself facing a dead end. Behind me, the sound of metallic boots clattering against the paved alleyway grows louder and louder. Turning, I see three of the soldiers stop in front of a young lady as the rest continue down the path Shaun took, somehow not seeing me. Looking down, I notice that in the shadows, my mostly black outfit is practically invisible.

Soldier1: Well well...look what we have here.

Soldier2: Hehe, the boss will want this one alive but I say we have a little fun first.

Soldier1: Yeah. That's right. 

Looking back up shows the men drawing closer and closer to the young lady. She's backed against the wall now, completely boxed in. She's definitely afraid of what might happen next. My anger riles. I have always hated people like this. Even before dying and being reincarnated here I always protected women I saw being treated poorly. Stepping out of the shadows, I decide to intervene.

Me: HEY! 

They all look at me, clearly annoyed that someone's interrupting their plans but when they see me, their eyes fill with glee. The looks they cast my way is nothing short of sickening. It makes my blood boil.

Soldiers1: Well now. Don't tell me you want to join in.

Soldiers3: This one is mine!

Soldiers2: Ha! No way. This cutie is all mine!

As they continue debating who will go first Shaun appears between us. When he sees what's happening he shouts to get their attention. They see him and take a few steps away from the woman who tries to flee. She doesn't get far, however, before a fourth steps outs of the shadows and grabs a hold of her arms. This one I recognize. I believe Necron called him-

Shaun: Markus! You're the one behind the assaults?

Markus looks at Shaun with disgust before pushing the woman back to the three men and stepping forward. Looking around, I can tell this isn't a good place to fight but I also can't leave that woman behind. Still, Shaun doesn't look like he is in any shape to fight. He's covered in blood and has a wound to his side. He must have fought through the soldiers that ran past the woman and down the path he took to get back to me. 

Markus: You are no match for me boy! I-

Shaun: I will not let you harm this lady! She spared my brother's life and saved mine! 

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