Ch18: A New Ally?

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After Lavina and the other summoned demon left, I took the time to get a new subordinate and named her Lucille. I've just sent her off with an invitation to the nation within the forest when Lavina sends a message that they are ready and I quickly transport them back to my location. Camille jokes about how fast they accomplished their task but I know she's just as relieved to see Mai and Emerald unscathed. 

Me: I take it you didn't have much trouble retrieving them, yes?

Lavina: Things went smoothly.

Me: Excellent. We'll be receiving them as guests shortly so it's imperative that we haven't yet harmed the possibilities of good relations. 

Emerald goes pale almost instantly and after a mere glance, begins telling the full story and begging for forgiveness. I'm amused by the sight but quickly comfort her informing her that they did nothing wrong. My instructions to Mai was pretty straightforward but left a lot of loopholes. Even with this in mind, however, she restrained herself and gathered the information as I asked. How could I be mad at her for that? 

Me: Ah right, I don't believe you've been introduced. This is Lavina and she'll be joining us. The other has yet to decide but we can sort that out now if she's ready.

????: I am. 

Me: You mentioned something about desiring something in return.

????: I only wish to be allowed to serve until the end of time, like Lavina has been allowed to do. 

Me: Nothing else?

She blushes and hides her face for a bit, an act that surprises both Lavina and me. When she finally replies, however, I fully understand why.

????: I-I'd like a drop of your blood as well...

Emerald, who hadn't been here when Lavina requested the same, takes this as a threat and draws her weapon but Camille quickly intervenes forcing her to put it away. With that now resolved, I turn back to the demon before me and after contemplating it a little, decide to grant her request. With the aid of Athena, I again manage to turn off or rather slow down my regeneration just long enough to be able to pick my finger after removing my glove. Holding it above her tongue, a few drops fall before it seals up once more but the look of ecstasy on her face says that's more than enough. 

Me: If you're going to join us, you'll need a name as well. From this day forth, your name will be Ivory White. 

Ivory: Thank you.

 Me: Now then, let's eat as it would be preferable if we can finish before our guests arrive. 

The others nod and join me at a table decked with food. Most of it, of course, is for me since I burned through a large chunk of energy while making Lucille but such is life. I've learnt the hard way multiple times that as all-powerful as I might be, it comes at the cost of eating like there's no tomorrow. Still, it's not as bad as it was before. Now, I don't pass out every so often and can indeed go on without eating for a while. What's more, only Genesis seems to burn through my energy as though it has no limit. Everything else works perfectly fine. 

Athena has been working tirelessly, trying to find a way to make using Genesis more efficient but even she is having trouble with that. So, I'm stuck with this arrangement for a while. That being said, given I won't be using Genesis every day, it should be okay, I hope. 

It doesn't take long for us to finish eating and when we finally do, I begin explaining my plans to everyone present. If they are all going to be present in the upcoming talk, they'll need to know beforehand so they won't interfere and cause issues. Everything needs to go smoothly. 

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