Ch23.5 - Benimaru

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Benimaru's POV:

After preparations were complete and we had gotten enough rest, we're transported to the suspected location of the army but when we get there, we find the camp all but deserted. There is nothing but a few guards on watch who quickly surround us.

Gobta: Relax, would you? We are your allies for crying out loud.

Even with Gobta's outburst, they don't appear convinced that we mean them no harm until he comments about us coming from Tempest which is located in the Great Forst of Jura. With who we are now established, however, they finally lower their weapons.

????: Excuse us but we didn't know who you were. If you are looking for the Generals, however, they are away at the moment.

Much to my surprise, they don't hesitate in telling us precisely what's happening. It's almost as though they were expecting us to arrive but just didn't know what we'd look like. Either way, it doesn't matter now. We could wait here for them to return but if they're going to be fighting a battle then I'd like to witness it. We can gather much information that way and I'm sure Lord Rimuru would be pleased.

Saying our goodbyes, we begin heading in the direction they point us. Moving rather quickly, it doesn't take long before the sound of battle reaches us. As we crest a hill overlooking the battlefield, however, nothing could prepare us for what we would see.

There, flying above what I assume is the Eastern Empire's army, are two females who are raining fire and lightning. As I continue watching them, I notice that one is wearing a red dress and quickly identify her as the same being that destroyed the mob that was attempting to flee into the Great Forest of Jura.

Gobta: Sir Benimaru! I don't think they need our help.

Me: A good thing no doubt. I can't imagine us not being mistaken for enemies if we were to enter the battle.

As I continue watching the slaughter before me, I notice that the rest of the Allyrian Army is not attacking, but instead, standing by and watching from a distance. They must have the same idea we do. Still, I do find it surprising that they are allowing so much of their enemy's army to escape unscathed. 

Suddenly receiving a chill, I look to see a female I hadn't sensed before descending from on high. The others are immediately wary of her but as she touches down without attacking, they too relax just a bit.

Gobta: Sir Benimaru! This one is dangerous!

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Gobta: Sir Benimaru! This one is dangerous!

????: Haha. You have nothing to fear of me unless we are foes so tell me, are you here as friends?

Me: We came to provide our assistance but clearly, it wasn't needed.

I gesture to the battle behind her for emphasis and she laughs, seemingly taking in the actual state of affairs for the first time. Still, as she continues looking over the battlefield, I can't help but notice her change in expression. Tracing her eyes, I find a battle taking place where it seems her allies are locked in a stalemate with another female.

????: Excuse me for a moment.

Me: Of course.

She wastes no time in transporting herself to a separate ridge, much closer to their confrontation. Curious to see what she'll do, I watch as she holds out one of her hands. A black ball of smoky substance forms in her palm and seemingly begins charging, sucking space and time in, causing miniature ruptures in reality before she mouths something which sends it blasting off.

The force of the blast is so powerful it shatters the ridge she is on but she's unphased by this as she simply floats as the ground beneath her goes tumbling down into the valley below. As I try tracing her attack, however, I find that it's already near her target. Her allies, finally noticing it, move out of the way just in time before it hits.

The female I assumed she's aiming for doesn't dodge as I expected her to. Instead, she chooses to block which causes the attack to hit her directly. Still, even the small scale explosion it causes fail to do any damage.

Gobta: What a weak attack!

Ranga: The attack wasn't weak. That female was just too strong for an attack like that to work.

Me: It's not finished.

Both: Huh?

Pointing out precisely what I mean, I watch as the black orb forms beside the female and begins pulling everything nearby inside it. She tries to escape but the force is so strong it even rips the ground she was standing on up and into its grasp. It's not long before she too disappears into this orb.

Gobta: Isn't that like Lord Rimuru's skill?

Me: No. There are some differences though I suppose Lord Rimuru could also do something similar to this with his.

With its target now secure, the orb returns to its master who seals it away. Not long after she does, however, a boom above pulls our attention skyward where we see the same general that fought in the south, and presumably defeated Milim, descending towards the female that had confronted us. They engage each other in conversation as another joins them with a man I've never seen before. Still, his clothing tells me he is some kind of royalty and given the circumstances, there'd only be one target that I can think of whom they'd send one of their own after. It must be the emperor. 

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