Ch38: Journey (P1)

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It's been some time since I last saw Rimuru. Now, however, we are about to embark on our first real journey to his country. Personally, I'd just use my skills and get us there instantly but Amelia stressed the importance of traditionalism for such a "diplomatic" meeting. Conceding, I agreed but only because it wouldn't take us any time to move across Allyria. In fact, it would only take us about thirty minutes to move from Solis to Draconia since the Research Institute had managed to finish constructing the entire network. I must find a way to reward my daughters for their hard work. Even Grimm put her all into the work. I know they don't expect anything but still...I know that if I were in their shoes it would mean a lot to be rewarded for the effort. 

Amelia: We're ready, Your Majesty.

Me: Hmm?

Looking up, I notice that our party is waiting for me to board the train. It's a specialised model, designed specifically for transporting members of the royal family. It sports the signature white, blue and gold accents of our nation and even has the royal crest. As if that wasn't enough to tell the world this train carried royalty, even the windows are tinted black but coated externally to sparkle like diamonds. They truly spared no expense on the externals but don't even get me started on the inside. As I look at it, I can't help but feel like all it does is make me one hell of a target. After all, those windows should surely be spottable for miles while the sun is up. Still, it's not like it would matter since the Sakura would be escorting me regardless. 

Travelling with me are my daughters, Grimm, Reign and Lucille. Amelia and Shaun will also be joining us as Amelia needs to finalize our treaty with Tempest. Lastly, there's Necron, Lavina, Aika, a few of the Royal Maids and a detachment of my Guard. 

As the train prepares to depart, I sit down, smiling and waving at those on the outside who are waving goodbye. I have no idea what's so impressive about me leaving or even just existing but the minute word spread that I was leaving, this section of the city came to a standstill. It's as though everyone has gathered to see me off. Despite experiencing it every time I leave the palace and don't disguise myself, I am still not used to the treatment. It's one thing to address me as royalty but this...this is madness. 

The sound of the train turning on pulls me back to the matter at hand. There's a slight feeling of weightlessness as it lifts off its supposed tracks and begins to hover. It's my first time using any of the trains at all that go outside the city so it surprises me at first. I had thought it was using magnetic levitation as the name suggested but no, this train literally hovers and my theory is confirmed when the train arrives at the barrier. Rather than using the entrance hub/opening, I had built into the barrier to allow people not from Solis to enter and leave through trains, it bypasses the hub entirely by using the much higher opening used by the Sakura. I'm amazed that they created a flying train but before I can rejoice at this breakthrough, the train quickly returns to ground level. 

It's Athena who first points out that it could mean that the train isn't capable of flying at altitude for long but still, that's progress! I'll have to congratulate them on this achievement. The minute we are clear of the city, the train begins accelerating to an impressive speed of over 800 mph (1290 kph). To say the scenery becomes a blur would be an understatement but even more surprising is the fact that the Sakura escorting us manage to match our pace. Looking closer, I notice that they are travelling in pairs. That is, every Astros has two riders in it instead of one. I find it odd since they usually only carry one rider but Athena informs me that this is most likely to assist with clearing the path for the train.

Grimm: Mom?

Me: Hmm?

Grimm: D...Do it?

Clueless as to what she could be referring to, I steal a glance at Amelia who perhaps notices the look of confusion in my eyes despite the smile on my face. She visibly forces herself to not laugh as she mouths something to me. I fail to pick up what she says but Athena intercedes, telling me that my daughter's talking about the train.

Me: It's lovely. 

The minute the words leave my mouth I notice that I didn't actually answer her question. In fact,  I all but said in words the direct opposite of what came out of my mouth. It was effectively the equivalent of tasting bad food and lying that it tastes good. My tone all but confirms this and she visibly deflates. Still, it's not like I meant it that way. It only came out as such because I was still somewhat focused elsewhere. For some odd reason, however, it is at that moment that Athena feels the need to tell me that Grimm was the one who designed the train we are in. 

Me: [Why didn't you tell me that earlier?]

Athena: [I-]


Tuning out Athena's apologies, I look back at Grimm and notice that she's not looking up. Her hair hangs down, hiding her face, but I've spent enough time around females in my previous life to know when one is crying. Standing, I walk over and take the seat beside her. Gently, I wrap my arms around her and pull her towards me. Athena immediately points out that my clothing will be dirtied but after scolding her about how unimportant that is right now, she relents. 

I return my attention to Grimm just in time to finish pulling her towards me. She buries her face into my chest, though I'm not exactly sure whether she knows it's me or thinks it's one of her sisters. In truth, I can't imagine her ever crying on me knowingly. Despite our relationship, we never did reach that far. In fact, some would argue we were more akin to master and student rather than mother-daughter. Still, in this moment, I allow her to cry as much as she wants. 

The others remain quiet, returning their attention to their own conversations the minute I stood up. Reign, in particular, didn't even cast a glance towards her sister. Looking them over, I can't help but smile. For the first time, I realize that every one of my children are essentially pieces of my own personality. They all remind me of me at some point during my own life. It's with this in mind that I fall asleep, a smile on my face.


Grimm's POV:

I awaken with my face resting on something soft. Afraid to face everyone and especially my mother, I keep my face planted along the soft surface. Tears threaten to surface again as I recall my mother's reply. I know she probably didn't mean it like that but it was so monotone and lifeless. I'm not even sure she heard my question. 

As I continue, lost in thought, it finally registers that someone's hands are wrapped around me. Furthermore, I'm resting my full body weight on that someone. Thinking it's my big sister, I burry my head further in but as I do, I notice the person's warmth. It's not hot but soothingly comfortable. Try as my sister might, she could never achieve this level of comfort. It's so comforting that I almost fall back to sleep, barely managing to stay awake. In doing so, however, the next thing I notice is the person's floral scent. It's the perfect balance between strength and sweetness. This confirms that it's not my sister since neither would ever have such on them. 

As I continue trying to think of who I am resting on, my mind briefly runs to Miss Amelia and settles on her as the only possible suspect. It could also be one of the maids but I doubt they'd be comfortable to sleep on since almost all of them wear some amount of armour built into their dress at all times. 

Lifting my head, I find out that the soft, cushiony surface I had been resting on was in fact a pair of breasts. What's more, the clothing is nothing like what Miss Amelia was wearing. Now fully awake, I look up to find mother there. She seems so peaceful as she sleeps that all I can do is stare. Still, it doesn't stop my mind from racing, quickly taking in all the details. Her hands are still wrapped around me since I didn't bolt upright but the thing that catches my eye the most is her smile. It's the first truly genuine smile I have ever seen from her and as the thought that it's occurring whilst I'm in her arms fills my mind, I die inside from joy and sheer excitement. 

Now unwilling to let the moment end, I gingerly return my head to its prior resting place. This time, I can hear her heartbeat and the sound soothes me as I quickly fall asleep.

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