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Ainz's POV:

It's been a few days since we arrived in this new world but we've been unable to gather much intel as to where here is. We've kept inside the tomb so far but I feel I should go out and explore a little. Perhaps, I'll even manage to make contact with intelligent life and be able to find out where exactly we are. I highly doubt we've been placed inside a world that is completely devoid of life. Fate couldn't possibly be that cruel.

????: You're right.

I turn around, looking for the voice but as before, I am the only one in my room. I'm about to cast it off as nothing more than my imagination when the voice returns, startling me once more.

????: You were brought here for a reason.

Me: Who are you? Show yourself!

????: Very well.

????: Does seeing me make you feel safer?

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????: Does seeing me make you feel safer?

As she speaks, I can't help but notice the sword in her hand. If she wanted me dead, she could have certainly tried to do so without showing herself. Perhaps she's the one who brought me to this world. I had considered investigating that so if she is this would resolve a lot of things.

????: No need to worry. I am not here to kill you and no, I am not the one that brought you here. I am but a messenger.

Me: I see. What's the message?

????: Nothing spectacular. Just that you were brought here to counter the threat to the world put in place by one individual, by any means necessary. Of course, conquering the world with your very own nation would be a good way of doing this but if you go against the entire world you may find that there are beings here much stronger than where you were before.

Me: Why don't you just deal with this individual yourself?

????: All in due time. My master sees no reason to intervene when you can be sent to do so instead. It's far more entertaining this way.

Me: And you think I am just going to accept?

????: What do you have to lose? You were eventually going to found your own Kingdom and thanks to the location we've placed you in, you would eventually come into contact with her and go to war. All we have done is ensure that you are aware of what you are getting into before all of that happens. Whether you choose to follow our instructions and prepare to eliminate her or do your own thing is entirely up to you but be warned, the longer you sit around in this tomb the more likely people will discover you and when they do...well, let's just say you might end up fighting regardless of whether you want to or not.

Me:'s a female.

She smiles, practically ignoring my comment, as she walks over and places a map down on my bed. With it, she explains the current world situation along with the land I am currently in. She also explains the world's magic/skill system along with how my own integrate with it. I also find out that as expected, my magic/skills/abilities work just as they did in YGGDRASIL with a few minor twists. In terms of my guardians, however, she points out that while they operate as they were programmed, they were turned into living beings and as such can change due to both internal and external factors. With this also comes the warning that there are those powerful enough in this world to both match and exceed 10th tier magic and even World Items. All this knocks my own confidence down but then she reassures me by stating these individuals are few when compared to the world at large.

I'm not sure how long we spend talking but by the time she hands me a copy of the map, I'm almost certain it's nighttime. She still passes on a few extra words of advice, however, before turning and walking towards the wall at which she first appeared.

????: By the way, this meeting never happened. Also, do be careful. You may be powerful but some are easily your match.

Before I can ask her to elaborate further, she vanishes and my instincts tell me she's actually gone. Still, she did provide me with a lot more answers than I could have hoped for though she didn't actually tell me who brought me here.


I guess that will have to wait for another time. For now, we should really start getting to know our surroundings. I think I will hold off on her suggestion to found a Kingdom for now, especially since I wouldn't want to make unnecessary enemies. However, since I do now have a general understanding of this world thanks to her explanations, this will make things much easier.

Me: [Albedo, gather all the guardians except for Victim and Gargantua and meet me in the throne room. We have much to discuss.]

Albedo: [As you command, my lord.]

That Time I Got Reincarnated As... (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now