Ch11 - Myra

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Sometime Ago...

I've just left work with a coworker. It's been a rather long day but it was all worth it in the end. I got to help yet another female being oppressed by the men of the world. It's funny, looking back at it, to see a man defending a woman against other men. Still, it's my solemn vow to always help those females in need. It's probably why I get along with all the women in my workplace and all the other women I interact with which in turn puts me in a position of power that puts even my boss to shame. He had indeed threatened to fire me once when I told him off for mistreating his secretary but quickly retracted after his own wife intervened and threatened him in turn. 

Now, as I walk towards a nearby store, it's as though everyone knows me. Every step sees another person waving our saying hello. It's nice. I'd like to think that at the very least, I've made a change for the better in their lives, even if merely by offering kind words and a smile each day.

As I continue walking down the street, however, things quickly take a turn for the worst. It all happens so fast. One minute, I was smiling and talking with my coworker. The next, a truck swerved around the corner at top speed grabbing both our attentions. Time slows as I spot a seemingly small female child crossing the road. Before I'm even aware of what I am doing I'm already launched towards her. I barely manage to get to her in time, pushing her out of the way before...darkness. 

Present Time

Me: [To think I did all that and still died in the end. I bet those scumbags returned to their old ways the minute they heard I died...all that gained wisdom through my holding a stick over their heads and it's for nought in the end. Well...except for that girl I saved. I hope she's ok.]

VoTW: [Acquired Unique Skill: Great Sage.]

Me: [New skill, huh...]

VoTW: [The requirements to evolve Unique Skill: Great Sage have been met. Would you like to evolve this skill?]

Me: [Sure. Why not. I guess it has something to do with knowledge since it's called Sage though maybe it's magic-related. Either way, it'll be even better after evolving no doubt.]

VoTW: [Confirmed. Evol-]

VoTW: [Notice. The individual known as Myra has exceeded world limits. Administrative protocols have been engaged to successfully constrain...Warning: Intrusion detected.]

Me: [Why try to take away the skills you gave me in the first place? Why not just refrain from giving them to me if they're gonna cause problems.] 

VoTW: [Warning: Seal by Ultimate Skill: Queen of Death detected. Intrusive programs: Blood Oath and Great Sage. Warning...Blood Oath confirmed. Transfer of system data is now in progress.] 

Me: [Haha. Well, haven't you messed up now? To think this could have been avoided if you'd just not tried to mess with my skills. Thanks, Great Sage. You may be new but you've already proven yourself to be extremely useful. Can't wait to see what you can do after evolving.] 

????: [Notice. Redacted: World System has been acquired. The conditions for the evolution of the Redacted: World System have been met. Attempting to evolve skill...unsuccessful. Sacrificing the following skills to facilitate evolution: Coercion, Thought Communication, Ámesi chrísi, Krývo, Anti-Magic Area, Warp Portal, Summoning Magic, Shadow Motion, Spatial Motion, Dress Change Magic, Spatial Magic, Hyperspeed Regeneration, Koukoúli, Seven Seals and Great Sage. Successful.] 

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