Ch25: Then There Was Light

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Rosetta's POV:

Having effectively conquered the Eastern Empire following the capture of its Emperor and strongest being, the army has spent the last few days resting. Now, we are finally ready to begin the journey back to Allyria. Surprisingly, our allies from the Tempest Federation haven't left. Instead, they have been aiding wherever possible and as a result, I've come to know them a bit better. Still, the one that has garnered my interest the most is Benimaru. I can't quite figure out why he's so adamant that they assist but since no one else seems to mind, I've refrained from saying anything. 

Me: Has everyone finished preparations? 

Commander: Yes, milady. All regiments are ready and awaiting new orders. 

Necron: Well isn't that good news! Still, I can't imagine we'll be able to travel quickly with over half a million troops plus baggage. 

Commander: I-

Me: Ignore him. He's just messing around. He doesn't expect you to work some miracle and get everyone back any faster than necessary. I don't expect we'll be attacked but it would be wise to remain on alert until we are safe across the border. This, again, will also slow us down so relax. After all, we aren't in any rush. 

The soldier breathes a sigh of relief, quickly excusing himself to carry out the few remaining orders he's been given. Turning to Necron, I find him grinning and slap him playfully to which he only replies with a bigger grin. Still, it's good that everyone is in high spirits.

Stepping outside of the tent, I find the sun all but breathing fire. I almost flee back into the tent reflexively. To think it's this hot outside. Looking around, I can't spot a cloud for miles and it suddenly dawns on me that this might be due to our own actions. 

????: If you are going to kill me-

Ruby: You're so dramatic! Like, shut up already! 

I watch, slightly amused, as Ruby comes towards me with the Emperor in tow. It's almost a comical sight, seeing her forcing herself to refrain from killing him. Still, she does little to hide the murderous intent so perhaps that's why he's commenting on his impending doom. Poor thing. Might as well soothe his worries by informing him that we have no intention of killing him. 

Necron: I guess that means Cecilia has already left then? 

Turning, I notice that Necron had left the tent as well and is now standing some distance behind me. I didn't even sense him! Now that I am thinking about it though, I'm not quite certain of his capabilities. I know a few things from our fight prior but I assume he's gotten stronger following our Queen's Harvest Festival. I wonder who'd win now... Also, what's that about Cecilia leaving?

Me: She's gone?

Necron: She didn't tell you? She's heading back to the south to finish taking care of some things. I think it might have to do with the region she was granted to-

Me: Oh. I see. I wish she'd at least let me know she was leaving though.

????: I take it you are the commander of this army, yes? 

Me: Would you believe me if I said the one that brought you here commands the army? 

????: No. She lacks the necessary skills. 

Me: Then why ask whether I am the commander or not if you wouldn't believe my responses? 

He prepares to respond but before he can, Mai appears to inform us of an approaching threat. Before she can elaborate further, however, the sky blackens. Clouds seemingly form from out of nothing and before long, it's as though the day is suddenly night. 

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