Ch30: Family of Four

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Me: I'll be leaving you all now. Try not to die while I am away. 

There's nervous laughter in response but as my smile broadens, they figure I am only joking and lighten up. With everything sorted, I turn to tell Camille to stay with them just in case but find she's already busy, playing with Ranga. I didn't even know those two were close. When did that happen? For how long was I lost in my thoughts? 

Me: Lucille, I want you to come with me. Everyone else can begin heading back to the border once all the preparations are complete. 

Camille: I-

Me: Don't worry Camille. I'll join you there but there's something I must do first and since I'll be taking Lucille with me, I'd prefer if you were travelling with them to prevent Necron from dying again whilst I'm away. 

She doesn't buy it but relents, perhaps guessing that I'm going to do something secretive. In any case, the others also accept this without much fuss except for Necron who jokingly fusses about me using his name that way. 

With everything in place, Rimuru and his subordinates all leave to begin preparations to receive Amelia, alongside whatever they're dealing with on their end. I, myself, spend a few more minutes going over my immediate plans for the army. Once I'm certain that they all understand our position with regards to the Eastern Empire, I prepare to leave. Right before Lucille and I teleport away, however, Necron comes over and thanks me yet again for reviving him. Deciding against telling him for the billionth time that it's fine, I accept his thanks with a smile before excusing myself and activating the skill before he can continue. 

The minute we are clear of the group, I breathe a sigh of relief. Lucille notices but doesn't say anything. She's perhaps figured by now that I, like any other being, loves privacy. This is the first time since I arrived in this world that I've actually had time away from someone constantly fussing over my own safety. It's as though everyone thinks I'm this delicate flower that needs to be guarded against even the slightest breeze. I should probably talk to them about it or at least do something...still, that can wait. In any case, it's time to see what Athena has done.

Me: [Feel free to take over when you're ready.]

Athena: [Understood.]

She does and quickly begins working on preparing the space we are in for what she's going to be doing. While she does so, I fill Lucille in on what's occurring. She's remarkably calm about receiving sisters. Then again, I didn't exactly tell her why. Regardless, she's probably as curious as I am to see them.

Before long, Athena finishes what she's working on and begins activating various skills. At the same time, she takes something from me that feels as though a part of me has left. I'm not particularly worried, however, as she did previously say that would be how she'd create them to avoid the whole birth (labour) thing. She finishes by pouring pure energy into the rune circle Genesis before returning control to me.

Me: [Done?]

Athena: [Yep.]

Me: [That quickly?]

Athena: [I never said it would be hard, only that it would take a lot to do it.]

Me: [Didn't exactly feel like it took a lot...]

Athena: [You just haven't felt the effects yet. It won't be as severe as you going unconscious'll see.]

I want to question her further but light erupts from the circle pulling my attention. It reminds me of when I had created Mai and Cecilia but even I can tell there's something different about this. The sky darkens as the light continues blasting up and through the clouds. Additional circles expand from the beam of light, seemingly following its upward path.

Athena: [It's finished.]

The minute she says it, the beam collapses, leaving two females behind. I'm surprised at just how different they look from me, given they were created from me, but I suppose it's a good thing. 

????: Mother! I can't believe I finally get to meet you! 

Me: [What's she talking about?]

Athena: [I might have activated their consciousness before this moment. They've both essentially been living inside you for what seems to them, a lifetime, as I gave them altered versions of your own memories. In reality, though, it was only a few minutes as I drew the circle.]

Me: [I see.]

As the oldest (in appearance) continues fawning over finally meeting me, the younger circles Lucille, seemingly fascinated with her. Lucille allows her to do so for a while before finally breaking her silence to engage her in conversation.

Lucille: Found what you're looking for?

????: It's so unfair! I'm the only one with pink hair! 

Her outburst takes Lucille by surprise but earns laughter from the entire group. That's what she's worried about? Shouldn't she be able to change her own hair if she wants to? Then again, I can't do that without changing my entire appearance so...I suppose not. In any case, at the very least they both seem perfectly fine. Now all that's left is to give them names. 

Me: Lucille, meet Grimm and Reign.

That Time I Got Reincarnated As... (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें