Some Extra Info on Allyria (Info Dump)

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- The Military and all connected faculties are considered separate entities and operate outside of the internal structure of Allyria. While the Military works closely with the major departments, they operate almost above the law in the sense that they operate exclusively on the orders of the Queen (Particularly the Solis Knights). Subsequently, the military is led by the Queen's Generals and the Queen herself.

The Military is comprised of 585,000 human troops all A ranked or higher. These 585,000 are known within the kingdom as the Solis Knights and are exclusive to citizens created by Genesis. The remainder of the army consists of 7,000,000 soldiers of various species and 100 dragons of various types and strengths. The dragons, in particular, were outcasts like Morganna and Camille and were granted refuge within Draconia (city) following the distribution of the land. This Dragon Core is known as the Dragon Guards and serves more as guardians/watchers of the border between the Great Jura Forest and Allyria rather than a core part of the military. Note that at the time of this chapter being published, they were reassigned to the border between Allyria and the Eastern Empire.

The additional 7,000,000 troops operate more as reserves than a part of the standing army. When not called to action, they work alongside local city/town guards to keep the peace and defend said locations from outside threats. On the other hand, the 585,000 known as Solis Knights represent the standing army of Allyria and are always ready for deployment. As their name suggests, they are more knightly than their counterparts and this is reflected in their general discipline and behaviour. However, that is not to say that they will hesitate to kill when ordered to. Another thing to note is that while the Solis Knights receive their orders directly from the Queen's Generals and occasionally the Queen herself, the rest of the army is led by Marquises who are all a part of the nobility and are allowed some level of autonomy.

- The Department of Foreign Affairs is led by Amelia who, like the Military, report directly to the Queen. The department does as the name suggests and handles all of Allyria's foreign affairs such as diplomatic missions, treaties, and so on.

- The Department of Internal Affairs manages all Internal Affairs such as the Judicial System, Immigration, Regional Governing, Economy, and so on. It is led by the Celestial Council which oversees all aspects of the country (Except the Military) and report directly to the Queen. Amelia is also on this council. Directly beneath this council are the nobility that are responsible for governing various regions within Allyria (Luna being excluded).

Alongside them (Governors) in rank are the Epitiritís who oversee all other aspects of the nations Internal Affairs with the exception of the Economy. The Economy is managed by the Tamías. Unlike the governors, the Tamías (Treasurers) and Epitiritís (Overseers) aren't comprised of nobility and are instead selected from the most capable citizens within the Kingdom that are suitable for their intended roles. All three report directly to the Celestial Council. To clarify, the governor position is hereditary and limited to beings created by Myra with Genesis while the other positions mentioned above (Tamías and Epitiritís) are assigned based on merit rather than status.

- The Department of Research and Magic operates as an independent organization but does, officially, fall under the Department of Internal Affairs. However, unlike the rest of that department, it is run almost exclusively by the Torian Order, formed solely out of accomplished scientists, artisans, etc. The Order still reports to the Celestial Council but is given special privileges to carry out projects that other areas within the department would usually be responsible for; such as the creation of the rail transportation system between cities. The department itself focuses exclusively on research and development but has branches that focus on the manufacturing of developed goods such as the Astros (flying bike the Sakura use). 

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