Ch17: An Unexpected Visitor

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Rimuru's POV:

????: I come bearing greetings from Her Majesty the Queen of Allyria. She wishes to meet with your leader and thus invites you to Allyria.

Raphael: [Notice: This individual exceeds the individual known as Veldora in strength. Recommend diplomacy as the chance of many dying in the event of battle is 100%.]

Well, when you put it like that I don't really have a choice now do I? Still, I have no intention of fighting her, to begin with. She said she came to invite us to meet with their Queen. If we were to attack her now, it would most certainly mean open war which could very well spell our destruction. Besides, if the rumours about their Queen also becoming a Demon Lord, I might be able to ally with her to oppose the other Demon Lords who'll be convening to discuss the fate of my nation.

It's with this in mind that I tell those with me to lower their weapons. The smile on our guest's face deepens as I lead her back to the city. We've spent far too long in this location. Shuna protests this decision at first, stating it'll give away details about our capital but it's Veldora who shuts her down. He wastes no time making it clear that if she was able to drop in on us without us detecting her, she most likely already knows our location and city defences or could easily scout them out later after our meeting. He's right of course, but I didn't consider that part when I made the decision.

Me: Welcome to our capital...err, I don't believe I received your name.

????: My mistake, I am Lucille.

Me: Nice to meet you, Lucille. I am Rimuru Tempest, the leader of this nation.

As we continue walking towards the centre of the city, everyone turns to look at our guest. She doesn't seem bothered by this, however, and simply smiles back in turn though even I must admit, her smile seems far more vicious than any scowl. Perhaps it's the spike-like horns protruding from her back or maybe it's just her overall look. I can't quite place it but her smile definitely doesn't give off a friendly vibe.

Arriving at our destination, I lead her around to the side where we all get seated and food is brought to us. The others are here as well and I'm reminded of a similar meeting we had with King Gazel and others mere days prior. After doing quick introductions, we begin.

Me: So, you're here to invite me to your nation, correct?

Lucille: I am.

Me: It's my understanding, however, that your nation is currently fighting a two-front war. Why should I put myself in harm's way by entering such a war-torn state?

Lucille: As I'm sure you are aware, these petty wars are all but complete. Your friend here is fair evidence of that.

She waves a hand in Milim's general direction and I must admit, she's right. From what we were able to gather from Milim, she only fought against one general and lost spectacularly. Souei on the other hand was able to confirm that the main bulk of their army alongside four who must be other generals went north to fight the Eastern Empire. If all it took was one general to beat Milim, I can't imagine the Eastern Empire faring any better against even worst odds.

Raphael: [The Eastern Empire has a true dragon that could turn things in their favour. Her strength is on par or greater than that of Veldora.]

I see. In which case it would certainly be possible for them to repel this attack. Still, if these four generals defeat even their empire, what's to stop them from just conquering every other nation they meet? It'd be better to secure a treaty or alliance now while things are uncertain than to risk it in hopes of success later.

Milim: She only won by using tricks!

Lucille: I thought that eye of yours couldn't be fooled...

This shuts Milim up. I have to hand it to Lucille. She certainly knows what to say but how did she know about Milim's eye? Have they met before?

Raphael: [She may have the skill Great Sage or a comparable skill capable of analyzing targets.]

Right. It was thanks to Great Sage that I had found out about her eye in the first place and all it took was a single meeting with her to find that out. If she truly has any skills even remotely similar, she could have found that part out while sitting here.

Me: I will accept your offer, on the condition that I am shown the same courtesy and shown to your capital city.

Lucille: I'm sorry but that's not possible.

The others are agitated by this but I have a feeling she's not finished talking and quickly order them to calm down before asking her to continue.

Lucille: It's simply not possible because no outsider can pass into the city. It's physically impossible. I wish I could say more but I'm sure you've probably already figured a portion of it out thanks to the information this young gentleman brought back with him when he tried to enter during an engagement with our forces.

She gestures towards Souei and it all comes flooding back to me. He did mention something about there being a barrier outside of the city that prevented him or his weapons from passing through. He had also mentioned that those from the city seemed to not be affected by it as they went to and fro as though it didn't even exist. Perhaps it's a conditional barrier?

Me: [Raphael, do you think you could find a way to break through the barrier after analyzing it?]

Raphael: [Yes, but I'll need direct access to it.]

I mean, it's not really a big deal but I'd like to see what their capital city looks like. It would also give us a good opportunity to see their defences and gather a few additional details about our potential friends or rivals. Still, if all I gain is knowledge on their barrier then even that would make the trip worth it.

Me: I understand. When would your Queen want for us to meet?

She smiles and stands. Looking at her plate, it's clean but I don't remember her ever lifting anything to her lips. She steps forward and a few of the others grab their weapons but I dismiss their concern with a wave of my hand and stand to face her.

Lucille: If you're all ready, we can leave now.

Me: That's a rather long distance to travel on such short notice.

Lucille: It will take but a moment.

She holds forth her right hand, seemingly gesturing for me to take it. I move to do so but find that my hand can't touch hers as some invisible force keeps us apart. Still, it seems this is as she intended because a light blue light like the one we saw earlier engulfs all within the room and the next thing we know, we're standing in a clearing.

Looking around, I notice that there are a few guards here and there along with some horses. The four females we met earlier are also here and are seated at a rather large table. In the midst of their group are two females I've never seen before but something tells me one of them is the Queen I keep hearing of and it's certainly not the one with the sword as between the two, it has to be the one who seems disarmed, right? As we step closer to their table, the one I assumed is the Queen speaks up.

????: Welcome! Please, join me. We have much to discuss. 

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