Ch5: Harvest Festival

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By the time I awaken it is broad daylight. I have no idea how long I've been out but it's clear that it's been some time as we aren't in the same location as before. In fact, it seems we are on the edge of a field, just barely being covered by the trees of a forest. 

Amelia: I'm happy to see you've finally awakened mistress. 

I offer her a smile and sit up. Unlike before, I feel no pain this time and as such determined that it wasn't because I didn't eat enough. Still, when Rosetta comes over to where Amelia and I are sitting, I ask just to make sure. 

Rose: Well, there are two possibilities though it could also be a combination of the two. On one hand, you could have drained your magicules to the point where emergency measures were taken by your body to prevent death.

Me: How'd I drain it though since I haven't been doing much. Now that I think about it, how much do I have?

Rose: You have, or rather had a seemingly endless supply of magicules at the time of our separation. Since then, however, you have created and named overly powerful beings. Both processes take an incredible amount of magicules. 

Me: Naming people costs magic? 

Rose: Well magicules to be exact and not just anyone. Naming monsters to be specific, costs magicules. The amount required depends entirely on the strength of the being at the time. Still, it scales kind of irregularly. By that I mean that even if you were to name someone of your strength it wouldn't necessarily take all your magicules but at the same time, there have been incidents where people have named weaker beings than them and it has knocked them out so...

Me: So basically it's a game of chance.

Rose: Well, that's one way of looking at it. The second reason why you could have fainted is that you didn't eat enough food. 

Me: What do you mean? I ate plenty for a human.

Rose: Exactly, for a human but not for what you are.

Me: And what am I exactly? 

Rose: I have no idea. That's one of the things that eluded us and caused me to be assigned to you specifically instead of a skill that would serve a similar purpose. 

Me: I see.

Rose: In any case, your body may require more food than you'd think is necessary to sustain it for any length of time. Then, of course, there is my third theory where it could be a mixture of both issues since unless you actually managed to name yourself when you chose your name you should still have a named yourself! Why didn't I think of that first?

Me: Isn't it normal to give a name to yourself?

Rose: Not for monsters, no. In fact, even in non-monstrous species, it is rare for someone to name themselves since they are usually assigned a name at birth. I have never even heard of a monster naming themselves though. It shouldn't be possible. 

Me: Well, isn't that a good thing? I mean, it's not like naming changes anything, right?

Cecilia: Well, when you gave me a name I did technically speaking evolve but since I was already all-powerful my appearance didn't change and instead I just got a bump in my magicule capacity and some new skills. 

Me: So naming can actually change you?'

Rose: Depends on what you are naming but yes, it can and as such not every being can give names to others. It's usually a minority in comparison to the larger population that possess such an ability. 

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