Ch56: Attack!

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After ensuring that everyone understands the potential gravity of the situation at hand, I make my way toward the pavilion under which the meeting is taking place. Everyone's surprised to see me make an appearance, none more so than my daughter herself. 

Lucille: Moth-...ehem...Your Majesty! We-

Rimuru: I'm happy you decided to come.

Me: I trust my delegate was treated well in my absence.

He nods as I take the seat offered to me amongst my own delegation. Looking around, I'm quick to realise that everyone even remotely important to this world's affairs is here. Everyone, that is, except for a few faces such as the Empire and some of the other Demon Lords. 

From Allyria, seated as representatives are Amelia and Lucille who've both just been joined by me. Dwargo is also present along with one of his aides and they are representing the nation of Dwargon. Milim, Frey and Carrion are all present as well, representing their respective realms. Others include the Empress of the Sarion Dynasty, Demon Lord Luminous and some of her subordinates, Demon Lords Ramiris and Dino, Veldora and of course Rimuru along with his most important subordinates. 

It is quite the gathering, all things considered, though I can't help but note that certain nations are still missing. It doesn't matter much to me given my only reason for being here is the fact that I was invited and have business with Rimuru. However, it does mean that his nation isn't influential enough to get everyone to come here...which reminds me.

Me: [Morganna, redeploy to the North West of Allyria. Meet up with the Sakura stationed there and assist them in securing our northern regions. Take Ruby with you.]

b: [Are we authorised to take any means necessary?]

Me: [No Allyrian casualties.]

Morganna: [Understood.]

Me: [and Morganna-]

Morganna: [Hmmm?]

Me: [This doesn't mean you're free to rampage in the Empire's lands at the first sign of trouble.]

There's a pause before a feeble response returns. Laughing internally, I end the communication just in time to hear a question being directed to Rimuru about me.

Gazel: So the terms have already been agreed to an alliance between your nations?

Rimuru: Yes and no...

Ramiris: Wait, what treaty?

Beretta: Lady Ramiris, I believe King Gazel is referring to the potential alliance between the Jura Tempest Federation and the Regnum Caeleste Allyriae. 


Veldora: Come now, Ramiris, even I know that.

Ramiris looks around the room for another person unaware of the subject being discussed but quickly finds she's the only one. She cries out in disbelief but when her Dryads move to comfort her, she's quicky silenced. 

Rimuru: Now then, to answer your question, yes. It is in the interest of my nation to partner with their nation. The fact that we're already working closely with one another only further exemplifies the need to make it official. 

Gazel: I see.

Luminous: So what, you plan on going around and befriending every nation?

Rimuru: I-

Elmesia: If I may...

Rimuru, perhaps eager to get attention away from himself, quickly gives way to allow the Empress of the Sarion Dynasty all the attention she can muster from everyone. She doesn't get the time to speak, however, before an explosion pulls everyone's attention. 

Benimaru is the first to stand, quickly followed by Shion. However, Diablo is the first to leave and by the time the rest of us get to the scene, I'm surprised to find my own daughter squaring off with the two suspicious persons I'd seen prior. 

Grimm: I won't let you get away!

Lucille: Grimm! What's going on?

Grimm: It's him! He's the skeleton that attacked us!

At that, the female with him charges at Grimm but she easily dodges before kicking the girl in her stomach and sending her flying back across the plaza. The girl lands on her feet but doesn't seem too harmed by the kick which means I was right, they are strong.

Me: Lucille...

Lucille: Yes, mother.

Without another word, she darts forward and grabs ahold of Grimm but the damage is already done. Following protocol, the guards that came along with us enter the plaza and quickly place themselves between us and the potential aggressor. As they form up, Camille lands before them ready for battle.

Rimuru: No fighting in the midst of-

The girl charges again and this time, she's met by a countercharge from Camille. As they come into contact with one another, the dust gets blasted in all directions as the concrete beneath their feet explodes from the pressure. Mere seconds later, they are no more than flashes of light bouncing all around the opening. Despite the power they are both showcasing, however, I don't need Athena to know neither is going all out.

Me: I think this is our cue to leave.

Rimuru: But you still haven't signed-

Me: I'm aware.

His eyes widen at that.

Rimuru: Don't tell me-


Camille is thrown back but slows herself down by burying her blade into the ground. Across from her, the girl lands beside the masked warrior unharmed. From here, he looks like quite the formidable warrior but if Grimm has confirmed that he is in fact the same being that we met not too long ago then this is bad.

Me: Camille, that's enough.

Camille: But-

Reaching my hand upwards to the sky, I've barely begun activating my skill to transport all Allyrians within the vicinity back to Allyria when the big guy attacks. His blade swings straight for the midsection of my body but is stopped long before it arrives by Lucille who grabs the blade. Her move is followed by a hard kick to the stomach. As she does, Rimuru's subordinates get into a position to intervene. I'm not sure why it took them this long to do so but better late than never I suppose.

That Time I Got Reincarnated As... (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora