Ch8.5 - Rimuru

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Rimuru's POV:

Demon Lords Milim, Carrion and Frey have all joined our little meeting. They've just done explaining what occurred from their end and from what I've gathered, it seems they were scheming to take down Clayman. Unfortunately, however, Milim can't tell us more about what happened after Clayman's castle got destroyed as she left to spread the news to Carrion and Frey who had been awaiting her return.

Gazel: Even with that explanation, it doesn't answer the issue we're all facing right now.

Me: The new nation that has risen in Clayman's place?

Gazel: Precisely. If it took three Demon Lords working together to plot his demise then I fear whoever simply stepped in out of the blue and eliminated him might prove to be a much greater threat than we had previously thought.

Milim: I can crush them-

Me: I don't think that's what he's referring to here.

Gazel: Rimuru's right. Though I suppose you might have your chance to fight them soon. Are you going to be supporting their western cities that are seeking your protection?

Milim: I'm not sure. Depends on how I am feeling but I might just attack for the fun of it.

Gazel: As I thought. Which further explains why the woman your subordinates met was so eager to have them leave without further fighting.

Milim: My subordinates?

Me: No mine.

Milim: Oh?

We tell her of the encounter between Souei's group and a few of their fighters. She seems surprised at first to hear that they were easily beaten and is even more surprised to hear that Souei thinks they weren't even fighting at full strength. Still, none of this does anything to shake her resolve.

Milim: This means I might just get to have a real fight again-

Me: Milim, don't underestimate them.

Milim: If they are capable of beating even me then none of you stands a chance.

Gazel: Perhaps, but we aren't the ones looking to start a fight. It'd be much better for us to try to establish diplomatic relations first though I'm not sure how much that would work since from what we've heard, they have sealed off their current nation with a barrier only they can pass through.

Elalude: What of Euranazia?

Carrion: We'll need to rebuild but as we are not near Jistarv, we should not be affected.

Me: We can provide assistance where that's concerned.

Carrion: I'd deeply appreciate it.

Me: We can begin sorting that out later then. By the way, Milim, try not to get yourself killed, alright? Still, for now, we have much to discuss.

Milim: I don't see what's there to discuss. I was planning on getting rid of Clayman. Now I am going to get rid of whoever replaced him.

Me: Souei, take the others and get some rest. You have done well. We'll let you know what we decide.

Souei nods and takes the rest of his team away. Since they've arrived, the few that still had injuries have been treated but they are all still looking pretty exhausted. As they leave, however, a Dryad arrives. It's Trya and much like the first time we met, she brings bad news.

Trya: There's a horde of monsters heading this way.

Me: What do you mean?

Treyni: What happened?

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