Ch34: Interlude (P1)

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???? POV:

As I enter the great hall, I can immediately tell something's wrong. The air is heavy. It's never this heavy here, in this holy place. It can only mean one thing. There's trouble, which means even more work will be placed on the Harbingers and Seraphims. It could even break out into a full out war. 

Looking around, I notice that I am the last to arrive. This more than anything confirms that something is wrong. I am usually the first to arrive so the fact that everyone's already here...

????: Welcome, Leliel. Right on time, as usual. Our Lord is waiting.

Me: Mind telling me what this is about, Azrael?

Azrael: I haven't the slightest clue. To my knowledge, everything has been going according to plan. 

 Me: I see. Well, in that case, let's join the others. 

The minute we take our positions, the throne turns, revealing our Lord. We all kneel in the face of his glory but when his voice booms, no one can resist the urge to tremble.

????: It's not often I see failure so complete...Azrael, your efforts proved fruitless.

Azrael: My Lord? 

????: Emperor Rudra has sued for peace. 

There are gasps all around the room at this revelation. The Eastern Empire was supposed to deal with that threat. They have arguably the best military in the world. We had even moved to assist and yet they'd dare-

????: It matters not. The fact that his subordinates didn't attack either tells me that they truly thought they could not win. They probably went into those talks with the intention of accepting whatever was thrown their way. Still, even I failed to foresee her sparing their lives. Something else must have turned up.

????: I think that has to do with the fact that you had one of our own intervene, my love.

????: Hmm. Perhaps. In any case, we'll be replacing the Emperor. He's useless to us as a neutral party. To that end, I have brought a strong being from another world to this one. He will take over the Empire's territory with a little push and then all it will take to spark a war between them is a little spark. 

????: I don't get it! Why don't we just attack and kill them all, ourselves? Why play around? This is dumb! When have we ever refrained from going in with full force and achieving our goals? 

????: Learn your place-

????: That's enough! It is simple, really. We do not know how strong this being is. The information we have been able to gather about her through our normal observations have been non-existent. She has some way of blocking all our efforts. Thus, we must do this the old fashioned way. It would be unwise to go in without knowing what we are up against.

Azrael: You are right as always, my Lord. I have no idea what they were thinking questioning you.

????: That being said, there is even more cause for concern. I don't think I need to remind you that it was this being's own power that resurrected me ahead of schedule. The fact that power could do so even without being targeted at me is an enigma and must be treated with the utmost respect. To go rushing in against one who can return the dead to life just as a side effect from using her talents would be the height of foolishness. 

????: I get that but why don't we just go down to the world and collect the data ourselves? 

????: Hmmm. How about this? I will grant you permission to do precisely that. You will travel to the human kingdoms and gather as much data as you can. Now clearly you'll need to hide your wings and other things that say you are obviously an angel but I doubt anyone will question a strong warrior unless you go out of your way to make trouble. Does that sound reasonable? 

????: I will not fail!

As he exits the room, our Lord laughs and it's a terrifying sound. It chills me to the bone. 

????: Azrael. Prepare a team to collect his body if possible. After he dies, that is.

Azrael: My Lord?

????: He will learn first hand why there is cause for concern where this new kingdom is concerned. When he does, bring him back here so that I can resurrect him just to kill him myself for his impudence. 

There are gasps in the room once more but they are quickly covered up. We should have known our Lord wouldn't allow such an act before him. To think we were fooled by him humouring that poor fools request. Remiel you fool. You have forfeited your life. 

????: Now then, back to the being I brought to this world. We have much to plan. We need him to rise quickly and I know just how to set such up. Let us begin!

All: Yes Lord Veldanava.

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