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Rimuru's POV:

The blue light quickly dissipates leaving us in a clearing. Looking around quickly reveals that there are a few soldiers standing guard in a wide perimeter of our location and the table before us, however, they don't seem to pose any particular threat towards us and instead seem focused on preventing others from interfering.

Turning my attention back to the table reveals the four girls we had met earlier and clashed with alongside two new females, one of which I suspect is the Queen we've heard about. Raphael confirms after a swift analysis that she is indeed the strongest here, by far but to me, she seems like the least dangerous. Indeed, if it were solely up to me, I would have mistaken her for a civilian and prioritized the others in the event of a fight.

????: Welcome! Please, join me. We have much to discuss.

Regardless of how ordinary she looks, I can't deny that she's remarkably beautiful. Up to this point, I had yet to meet someone more attractive than my own body but now...Quickly dismissing the thought, I take a seat across from her and the others join me, albeit reluctantly but as none of her companions makes any moves to oppose them, they finally relax and take their seats as well.

????: First off, I believe introductions are in order. From the left-most section of our side of the table going right, we have Ivory, Lavina, Camille then on my right, we have Mai and Emerald. I on the other hand am Myra, the ruler of this country.

Me: Thank you for the invitation. I am Rimuru Tempest.

After introducing myself, I turn and begin introducing those with me, including Milim who was brought here alongside us when we all got teleported to this clearing. As I do so, Raphael attempts to Analyze Myra but reports almost immediate failure. Taking a chance to cast a glance Myra's way, I notice her smile intensify but as she refrains from commenting on the issue, I take it as a sign that she has simply dismissed the matter. Raphael, suspecting that whatever blocked her might retaliate with an intrusion of its own puts up mental defences but the supposed attack never comes. It's as though she doesn't even deem us a threat worthy enough of making the effort to analyse us for potential exploits and I don't know whether to feel insulted or relieved by that.

Myra: Now that introductions are out of the way, let's get straight to the matter which led to me requesting a meeting. Our forces have had a few skirmishes so far which have made it clear that some diplomatic stance is necessary for us to coexist.

Me: How about an alliance?

Myra: An alliance? That's a bit much now, isn't it? I mean, we are currently at war...not to mention with one of your companions here. Secondly, we've just met. It seems a bit much for us to pursue an alliance so quickly unless you think we have a common enemy.

She's right, of course, and under normal circumstances, such an endeavour would be foolish but I have my reasons. For one, it seems the Walpurgis will still occur and something tells me that even if Clayman is absent due to his death, they'll still rule to take actions against me after I declared myself a Demon Lord. Having an ally with subordinates that have already proven themselves by defeating both Clayman and Milim, to a certain degree, can only benefit my cause.

Secondly, by forging an alliance here, I will gain a powerful ally to aid against the Western Holy Church who will most likely not take kindly to her own nation stirring trouble in the East. They might accept peace with a monster nation like mine due to Veldora but I doubt they'll refrain from intervening if she continues her rapid expansion and if they do, they'll definitely attack Tempest so that they can gain a direct path through the Great Jura Forest to get to her nation.

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