Ch51: Wrecking Ball

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                             head. What the hell happened this time for me to wake up with another hangover? I didn't even exert myself this time! Ughhh. It hurts...

Athena: [We need to work on your eating habits.]

Me: [Stop talking.] 

Camille: You're awake...drink this.

Taking the cup from her, I put it to my lips but immediately spit its contents back out.

Me: What the heck is this?

I'm starving and yet I can feel incoming nausea. I'm not sure what it plans on sending up but whatever it is, it is hurling upwards.

Camille: You have to drink it. It'll make you feel better.

Me: I'd rather die.

She looks at me as if I'm a spoiled child but doesn't argue further. Rather, she grabs ahold of my hands and attempts to pin me down to force me to drink it. Now, I'm not sure what she expected given my determination not to drink it and the gap in strength levels between us but judging from the surprise on her face, she certainly wasn't expecting what happened next.

Camille: Just drink it!

Me: NO!

Camille: Stay still!

Screaming for her to let me go, I must have channeled a substantial amount of power into my voice because no sooner than it leaves my lips, Camille is blasted off me at lightning speed and is quickly followed by the complete demolition of the entire building on top of me. 

Athena: [Wow. Just wow.]

Me: [Shut up.]

Athena: [How do you plan on getting out of this one?]

Me: [I-]

Athena: [I mean, you've singlehandedly created problem after problem for Rimuru. If anything, you're even more of a threat to this city's existence than Milim or even the angels themselves.]

Me: [And?]

Athena: [You're making life hard for Amelia, who's here to engage in diplomacy...on your your request, remember?]

Choosing to ignore her, I push the rubble off myself and stand to find that I've leveled more than just the building we were staying in. Apart from all the surrounding destruction, there's also a clear pathway through a group of buildings that has very recently been formed by a certain dragon being blasted away.

Continuing to take in my surroundings reveal that there are only a few minor injuries to natives of the city but the same cannot be said for the maids that were in the building with me at the time. They're not dead but their injuries range from simply being buried alive like I was but suffering no real damage to being impaled by what looks to be steel, likely from the debris.

Walking over to those most injured, I begin assisting and healing them but am soon cut off by the arrival of Rimuru and his subordinates.

Rimuru: What happened here?

Me: Now that is an excellent question. From the looks of it, I'd say a bomb of some sort went off in an attempt to assassinate me.

His eyes widen at that but quickly narrow indicating that his lovely assistant has just told him I'm lying. Seeing his reaction does give me a good laugh though but before long I refocus on the task of helping my maids. He comes over and assists, providing them with some sort of potion but despite his efforts to hide it I can tell he really wants to talk to me about what happened.

Me: Don't worry, Rimuru. I won't be staying much longer. I've already been told I'm a walking disaster waiting to happen and that wouldn't bode well for our talks now would it?

Rimuru: Now, now. Let's not be hasty.I-

Me: I'm not saying that our talks are off. I'm merely saying I will be returning to Allyria before causing you too much trouble.

As I say it, I finish up with the last maid and stand. After checking that everyone's clear, I activate Genesis and watch as the building is rebuilt to what it was prior to the explosion. At the same time, the other damages done to the city are repaired. Once done, however, I'm hit with a wave of exhaustion and stumble ever so slightly.

Athena: [You really should start listening to me.]

Me: [What's happening now...]

Athena: [As I mentioned prior, you need to right now or rather like a couple of days ago. You're starving and given you're constantly exerting an absurd amount of power you need to maintain the balance by eating appropriately.]

Me: [Am I running out of magic?]

Athena: [No. You're just starving as any other living being would if they exerted this much.]

Me: [But I never did anything!]

Athena: [On the contrary. You're still maintaining that massive barrier around the capital city as well as those around you, amongst countless other things. You going around and casually using your ultimate skills whilst not eating for days is simply adding the spark to set the flame.]

Me: [Fine, just take me inside. I'll eat something then...]

The words leave my mouth but soon fade to nothingness as I find myself tipping over once more. This time, however, I'm caught by someone who looks remarkably like I do. My eyes close soon after but I still manage to smile before mouthing two simple words.

Me: Feed me.

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