"What?" I asked myself, mu words coming out slowly and garbled. I could hear the door to the side opening, somebody walking in. The shape above me was slightly blurry, my vision doubled. I could still make out Jake's roommate.

"You're such a bitch, you know that?" He got on top of me, his hands grabbing the straps of my top, "Just cuz you're a bit cute, you think you're too good for me?" Everything felt muddled, my mind a haze. Weakly, I pushed him away, tears falling down my face. Nothing made sense, but I wanted him off me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I could hear Lily scream in the background, suddenly his weight was off my body and I took a deep breath, "I'm going to kick your ass!"

After that Lily and I became close friends. She helped me through the trial and everything that came with it, broke up with Jake, and I later found out that she had hit his roommate with her still hot curling iron. She had a mid-college crisis and switched into nursing, both of us later on working in the same hospital.

She met Amir during our first year out of college, he was the owner of our favorite cafe and a great baker. It took them a week to start dating and by now they were already engaged and totally in love. I liked Amir, he was handsome, funny and crazily in love with her. He treated me like a little sister and Lily and him became the only family that I had.

They were the closest thing to a family I had until I had died.

"I'm ready!" The bathroom door next to me banged open, Lily stepping out and looking gorgeous in her long black dress.

"Finally," I said, "You take forever!" Amir laughed and walked up to us, kissing Lily on the mouth and whispering into her ear.

"Ugh," I said, "Gross." I left the lovebirds behind as I walked out of the apartment, I could hear them behind me as they followed. While I was happy for Lily, some small part of me couldn't help but feel jealous. Not of their love, but that it felt like she was being taken away from me.

* * *

The restaurant was beautiful, it was one of those super expensive places that you had to make a reservation for six months in advance to be able to get a table at. I had no idea how Lily and Amir got us in here, it wasn't exactly in our tax bracket.

"This is the most delicious thing I've ever put in my mouth," Lily moaned as she ate her dish, some fancy seafood thing. I chuckled, slowly eating mine. It was delicious, but I wasn't blown away like she had.

"How's your dish Ali?" Amir asked me, his voice a bit worried, "You don't seem to like what you ordered."

I took another bite of my food, "It's good." I replied. Honestly, it was good. But after living with Tony Stark for one year, nothing fancy quite surprised me. For God's sake, the man had once claimed that he wanted pizza and flew all of the Avengers in the tower at that time to Italy.

Lily and Amir shared a look, Amir reaching over to hold her hand. His dark chocolate skin was a stark contrast to her paleness, but it fit perfectly at the same time. They both stared at me, worry in their eyes.

"What?" I asked, setting my knife and fork down on the table.

"Look, Aliana," Amir said, "We know that you just went through something very traumatic. Something that we can't understand. But we wanted to let you know that we are here for you. Whatever you need."

Lily continued, "I just want you to know that you can talk to us. To me. And that if you need to take a break as the maid of honor, don't worry about it. I can plan the wedding by myself."
"What are you trying to say?" I ask, "I'm fine."

"Nana, you haven't smiled once since the accident." Lily said, "You barely eat, you barely talk. I can hear you crying in your room at night." Wow, our insulation sucks, "You're not okay."

"I'm fine." I replied, but I knew I wasn't. How was I supposed to say that I wasn't traumatized by almost dying, but rather by dying, going to another dimension, getting a family, then coming back.

Family. I had a family here. Lily and Amir loved me, wasn't that enough?

They love you.

Shut up Thor, you ain't even here.

"Oh, Nana." Lily said, getting up from her seat and coming over and hugging me. Tears were falling down my face, "Take all the time you need. Healing is a process, and we'll always be here."

"No you won't," I hugged her tighter, "You can't be here."

"I am here." She told me, her voice with her soft accent rolling over me. But I knew the truth. I had realized it long ago, once everything calmed down.

"No," I told Lily, pushing her away and looking into her dark eyes, "You can't be here. You're not real."

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