Chapter 3

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Kara has now been a reporter at CatCo for just over a week, and so far it really hasn't been that amazing or interesting. The reason for this is the editor-in-chief, Snapper Carl, hasn't given her anything to actually write on her own. Snapper has essentially been giving Kara small little assignments here and there, seeming to be just something to keep her occupied. These assignments include her looking over other CatCo journalists' articles, to check them for spelling and grammar, and then also writing lists of various puff pieces that CatCo could cover in the future. Kara had hoped that the latter task would eventually lead to her writing a 'puff piece' of her own, as at least she would be writing something, but unfortunately that has not been the case.

"Danvers!" Snapper yells out from across the CatCo offices.

Kara quickly jerks up from her desk, and stands up to see what Snapper wants of her this time.

"Come here." Snapper says, continuing to yell across the office space, before heading back inside his own office.

Kara quickly makes her way across the CatCo offices and into the editor-in-chiefs office. As soon as Kara is inside, she turns her nose up a bit, as the room is full of Snapper's alpha pheromones, which have a very distinct unpleasant smell. Most alphas are not particularly fond of other alphas scents, but Kara has always felt that she has been able to put up with more than most alphas, likely because she grew up sharing a room with an alpha sister, it's just Snapper's scent is absolutely horrid.

"Yes?" Kara says, as she enters Snapper's office.

"Danvers, good. You're here." Snapper says, and sits down on his chair.

"Well.... you do shout for me..." Kara says.

"Are you talking back to me?" Snapper says.

"No!" Kara quickly replies, in a bit of a panic.

Snapper simply scoffs at Kara saying that.

"Anyway, I have an assignment for you." Snapper says.

"An assignment? Really?" Kara asks, surprised.

"Don't act so surprised, you are a reporter after all." Snapper says, "You may have been hand chosen by Cat Grant, who thinks you're special for some reason, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give you an easy ride."

"Of..... of course." Kara replies, with an awkward nod of her head.

"Good." Snapper says.

"So... what is my article on?" Kara asks.

"You are going to be interviewing the CEO of L-Corp." Snappers says.

"Really?" Kara asks, surprised.

Snapper sighs.

"Yes. I don't understand why I have to keep confirming things to you." Snapper says.

"Sorry.... It's just...... you haven't had me writing any articles.... and now you want me to interview the CEO of L-Corp..... I would have thought you'd have chosen a more experienced journalist to do this." Kara says.

"Is this you turning the assignment down?" Snapper asks.

"No!" Kara quickly says.

"Good." Snapper says, "You are scheduled to interview Lena Luthor in her office at L-Corp at 10AM tomorrow. Don't be late."

"Right." Kara nods, "Wait.... Did you say Lena Luthor?"

Snapper turns and looks at Kara with a confused look on his face.

"Yes. She is the CEO of L-Corp after all." Snapper replies.

"Right..." Kara nods.

"Go on then." Snapper says, gesturing with his hand for Kara to leave his office, "Go... prepare however you like.... But I expect the first draft of your interview to be on my desk by 9AM on Wednesday."

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