Chapter 24

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Kara now joins Lena and Natalie back downstairs in the living room, where Lena has taken the burgers and fries out of the take-out bag, and put each of them onto a separate plate. Then, Lena has also got each of them a glass of water.

"I got you a glass of water." Lena says, "I hope you don't mind, but I try and encourage Natalie and Ashley to drink water or juice over any sodas or anything, and I didn't know what juice you may like or anything."

Kara chuckles, amused by Lena's slight ramble.

"It's okay. Water is fine with me." Kara smiles, and takes her seat on Lena's couch.

Kara, Lena and Natalie all then unwrap their burgers, and begin to eat them. As soon as Lena bites into her own burger, she can't help but let out a groan, which to some, may just sound a bit sexual. Lena however can't help it, because ever since Kara told her that she brought burgers with her, that has been what she has been craving. So far, Lena's pregnancy cravings haven't been anything crazy, but she knows if this burger doesn't satisfy her, and she craves another, then that could be really bad.

Kara and Natalie both look at Lena as she moans at eating her burger.

"Good to know you are enjoying it." Kara says, with a smirk.

"Sorry." Lena says, and blushes, "It's just.... I'm really craving this now."

"Alright." Kara smiles.

"I promise mom doesn't always eat burgers like this, Kara." Natalie says.

"I know." Kara replies, with a smile directed at the 12-year-old now.

Kara, Natalie and Lena then continue to eat their food for a little while, not saying much, as Lena continues to make sounds of approval as she continues to eat her burger. Eventually though, Kara finishes her own burger, and starts eating her fries.

"Uhhh.... do you have any ketchup?" Kara asks.

"Oh yes." Lena says, "Natalie, can you go get Kara some ketchup?"

"Okay." Natalie nods.

"I'll come with you." Kara says.

Natalie and Kara then both get up from the couch and head into Lena's kitchen, where Natalie retrieves a bottle of ketchup from one of the cupboards, and hands it to Kara.

"Thank you." Kara smiles, "Do you like ketchup on your fries?"

"Hmmm..... It depends." Natalie says, as she opens the fridge, "Sometimes I like ketchup, but other times I like mayonnaise."

On cue, Natalie then retrieves a bottle of mayonnaise that you can squirt, from the fridge. Kara can't help but chuckle at the timing.

"Hmmm... I like mayonnaise too." Kara says, "I like it best in chicken wraps though."

"You mean, burritos?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah." Kara nods, "I use it in a dish that my adopted mom used to make me and my sister growing up, and now I make it here too."

"What is it?" Natalie asks, as she and Kara start their walk back into the living room.

"Oh, it's simple really. It's just wraps, and sometimes I'll chop up some stake, and put it in the wraps with cooked bell peppers and cheese and mayonnaise. But steak is expensive, so most of the time I chop up some chicken, and then put some fajita dressing on the chicken, and cook it in a frying pan for about 5 – 10 minutes. After that, I'll put the chicken in a bowl, and then add some salad stuff to wraps that I'll make. Of course, I then use mayonnaise as a sauce too."

"That sounds nice." Natalie says.

"It is." Kara smiles.

Kara and Natalie now arrive back in the living room, and as they do, they both notice that Lena's burger is a lot bigger than it was before, which doesn't make sense.

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