Chapter 99

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Back in the present Kara has just finished telling everyone who she proposed to Lena, while Kara, Jack and Sam also told the group about how Kara basically asked for Jack and Sam's blessing before proposing to Lena.

"I'm honestly surprised that the two of you didn't give Kara a harder time." Lena says to Jack and Sam, after hearing that story.

"Yeah, I have to say, I'm kind of regretting that now too." Jack says, with a shrug, "We had a golden opportunity to have so much fun, Sam, and we completely missed it!"

"Oh, stop, you." Sam says, playfully slapping Jack on the arm, "That's not something we would have done, before Kara wanting to have our blessing to propose to you, Lena, was something serious. We needed to take it seriously."

"Yeah..... I guess you are right." Jack says, with a sigh.

Lena just smirks at her friends saying that.

"Well, it sounds like Kara telling you both that she was planning to propose to Lena, and asking for your blessing went a lot better than when she told me she was going to propose to Lena." Alex says.

"Why, what happened? Did you not approve or something, Alex?" Lena asks, curiously.

"No. Of course not." Alex replies, "I think you and Kara are wonderful together, Lena, and I'm so happy that Kara has found someone she loves so much, and loves her so much back. Kara telling me about proposing to you just went really awkwardly, just because of who Kara is. She did it in a ramble."

Five days prior

Kara is now meeting up with Alex at Alex and Kelly's apartment, where she intends to tell her sister about the fact she intends to propose to Lena, and wants Alex to help her pick out a wedding ring with her later this afternoon. Today, Kara has finished work early, claiming that she just wants to spend some exclusive time with Alex, to have some sisters time, which they haven't had in a while. Alex, for her part, is off work today, while Kelly is at work, so this makes it the absolutely ideal situation for Kara to privately speak with Alex, and tell her about her plans to propose to Lena. Kara does worry that Alex will think that given everything going on with Andrea, it might not be the right time for Kara to propose to Lena, but Kara wants to, and she doesn't want to delay things, as then one thing after another could just end up delaying it. Kara knows she wants to marry Lena, and that is it.

"Hey, Kar, how are you doing?" Alex asks her sister with a smile, as she opens up her front door to Kara.

"Hey, Alex. I'm okay. I need to talk to you about something. Or.... I guess..... run something by you.... or more specifically..... ask you something." Kara says, as she walks into the apartment.

"Uhhh..... okay....." Alex says, in an unsure voice, as she closes the front door behind her sister, "Is everything okay, Kara? You sound like something is wrong."

"Everything is fine." Kara says, in a voice that is not very convincing to Alex.

"That doesn't sound very convincing." Alex says, "Is this something about Andrea? Has she taken a turn for the worse or something?"

"No. This is nothing about Andrea." Kara says, nervously pacing in Alex and Kelly's apartment now, "This is actually about Lena. More specifically, me and Lena."

"Okay....." Alex says, "What's up, Kara? You are starting to worry me right now."

"I uhmmm...." Kara begins, "Well, I came here because, your my sister, I don't care that we are not related by blood or anything, your still my sister. You are the person I'm closest to in the world. The person that I don't have any secrets from or anything. You are the person that knows me better than absolutely anyone, even Eliza. So I came here because I wanted to tell you something, and ask you something, and you to be the first one that I ask and tell. Although, I am a bit worried what you will think about it. But, while you not being happy with what I'm about to tell you would really suck, that won't stop me doing it. So I want you to keep that in mind. And I also want you to know that you won't be the only one I tell before I do it. You are just the first person that I'm going to tell."

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