Chapter 58

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Kara is now sitting there on Ashley's bed with the 14-year-old snuggled into her feeling so awkward. Kara isn't feeling awkward because she thinks this is wrong or anything, but because the role she is playing for Ashley right now, is one that is supposed to be filled by the alpha parent of a presenting omega. How things work for omegas, alphas and betas is betas have it the easiest out of anyone, meaning that betas don't actually ever go through a presenting phase. Betas are called betas simply because they have never presented as an alpha or omega. As they grow, they do develop a bit of an ability to sense pheromones alphas and omegas give off, but nothing that could force their actions, pheromones more so can just entice betas, and not drive them sexy crazy or anything like some alpha/omega pheromones do to alphas and omegas. The trade-off of not presenting as an alpha or omega for betas is that they cannot biologically have children, and sometimes in society as they can't really be affected by pheromones, they are seen as less than, or a sort of third class. Most alphas, if they had to choose between an omega or a beta, would choose an omega nine times out of ten.

Alphas and omegas have things completely different from betas, as they do present. Both alphas and omegas usually present somewhere in the early teenage years, but some people can present much earlier, and some much later. For those who present later, this can cause some anxiety as they don't want to be a beta, and just hope they are presenting later. 99% of people have presented by the time they are 21. There are also factors which can influence when someone presents, and sort of trigger it. This includes stressful or extreme emotional situation, or sometimes when falling in love with someone else, the latter is not yet known as to the scientific reason that falling in love could trigger someone to present though. Then the final way that can cause someone to present, is when they are in close proximity to another person who is in the midst of presenting. This means a lot of the time if there are kids living in a home who are of similar ages, and are not too young to present, one child presenting can trigger another child to present to. Therefore, in the situation Kara finds herself in right now, the 14-year-old Ashley presenting could trigger the 12-year-old Natalie to present, if they continue to spend more time together over these next few days while Ashley goes through presenting. It is common in times like these for parents to keep the presenting child away from the other children, as some parents want to stop their other children from presenting early when they perceive their younger children to not be ready to present. Then, at the same time, presenting due to being triggered by another person presenting can cause the person who is triggered to present, to go through a much more severe presenting process. But also, a part of parents not wanting multiple of their children to present at the same time is it can be a very taxing period, for everyone.

When alphas and omegas do present though, their experiences are different. Alphas generally have a much easier experience because their presenting period tends to be much briefer, and the only real painful part of it is for those alphas who were born without a penis to grow one. For some this can just happen overnight without them even noticing or feeling any pain though, as it did for Kara. Then, for those alphas who were born with a penis, it is claimed that when presenting their penis grows slightly, however there isn't really any scientific evidence for this. It is possible this is just a myth that has been spread by male born alphas, as a way to just suggest they have bigger cocks, after all no ethical scientist is ever going to conduct a study to measure the penis size of boys before and after they present as an alpha. A downside for alphas presenting though is the fact that they cannot be soothed by pheromones from an alpha parent or an omega parent, like omegas can with an alpha parent, or just another alpha. However, what alphas go through is not that painful, and is mostly a period of them essentially being sex crazy, and basically playing with their alpha cocks for hours on end. This is all because the newly presented alphas' bodies are just getting used to their new pheromones, and their ability to sense other people's pheromones. This all will last only a day or so though.

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