Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

For the rest of Friday evening, Kara and Lena literally enjoyed themselves by fucking in almost every surface in their little love nest cabin. They fucked each other for hours and hours, and honestly Lena truly could not get enough of the alpha. Lena was embracing her heat, finally, and was in a permanent horny state. No matter how many times Lena cummed, or how many times Kara knotted inside her, Lena always wanted more, more, more more. A part of Lena thinks that she has gone heat crazy like this because of everything she has missed out on, all the heats that she has had supressed over the years because of what Andrea did to her. It's almost as if she is just making up for previous heats by having the most extreme heat ever. Plus, Lena also thinks her heat might be increased just by how sexy and beautiful she finds Kara. Kara is a dream, she is perfect, and the woman she loves so much. When Lena told Kara that she wants the blonde to bite her, and claim her, it may have been something Lena said in the middle of her heat filled brain, but she means it, truly. Lena has seen everything she needs to see from Kara to know that she wants to be hers, and wants Kara to be hers. Lena loves Kara. Lena loves how good Kara makes her feel, both when they are in the middle of fucking like they have been, and in the normal, non-sexual, moments of their lives. Lena loves the idea of having many more pups with Kara, starting with the one growing in her belly right now. Then, Lena absolutely loves how much Kara cares for her family, and the girls. Lena loves that Kara's family has become their family, and Ashley and Natalie now have a grandma, with that all being because of Kara. So, Lena truly means it when she says that she wants Kara to claim her. It's not something she is throwing out there needlessly, and will regret later on. Lena wants it so much. For years now, Lena has had to live with Andrea's claim mark on her skin. Lena has had her best to have it removed, and lasered away. However, Lena can still feel it there, under he skin, and she hates it so much. Lena wants a mark by an alpha who loves her, and she loves, and that is Kara.

Right now, it is Saturday morning, and Lena is waking up snuggled next to Kara. Getting to wake up like this, with Kara's alpha scent all around her, is truly something that Lena loves. Lena does realise that she and Kara have only been dating for about a month and a big, and everything is going by super fast, but she doesn't care. Lena knows everything is right with Kara. Lena knows that Kara is the alpha that she wants to spend the rest of her life waking up next to, and getting to have more sexy times like they had last night. Lena is ready for all that, and being a 40-year-old woman, she is really not one that wants to waste her time. So, Lena knows that some big changes will soon be coming to her and Kara's lives. Not only does Lena want Kara to claim her this weekend, but after that, Lena intends to discuss with Kara about the blonde moving into her home, permanently. Lena wants to get to wake up like this, every day now, and not have them live in separate spaces. This will be even more important in the coming months, when her pregnancy progresses, and she really needs another adult there to help her through things. Be that helping her through some of her horny cycles, due to being pregnant, or simply running out and buying rocky road ice cream in the middle of the night, because she is craving it. Lena wants Kara to be there for that. Lena wants Kara to be her partner in everything. However, Lena knows that before anything like that happens, she will need to get permission of Ashley and Natalie. By this point Lena is pretty sure that Natalie and Ashley would be totally okay with Kara moving in, but Lena still wants to ask before. Lena really has just got her daughters back, with it looking like they will be living with her on a more permanent basis now, so she doesn't want to do anything to disturb that.

Presently though, Lena's thoughts are returning to the current situation she finds herself in with Kara, being snuggled next to the, still sleeping, alpha. Lena can smell Kara's alpha scent, and she knows they still have a whole day together, without being interrupted by anyone, to do whatever they like. Then, right now, the one thing that Lena wants to do, is Kara. So, after taking in some more of Kara's scent, Lena crawls under the covers and soon takes Kara's alpha cock into her mouth. Lena wants to wake up the blonde alpha in the most amazing way possible, with a nice morning blowjob.

Supercorp: Unexpected Feelingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें