Chapter 66

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Kara and Ashley now continue to eat their lunch, still sitting rather close to one another. Kara still decides not to make a comment about this, as she thinks that maybe Ashley is just looking for a little bit of emotional intimacy after what happened to her today, and Kara is more than willing to give that to her. Kara just has this really intense feeling to protect Ashley, and destroy anyone who would dare to hurt or harm her. It's honestly making Kara feel more alpha than she has felt in a long long time, even times when she has been in the middle of a rut with Lena. Kara thinks all this has just been enhanced by the presenting experience which she went through with Ashley.

"How is your burger, Ashley?" Kara asks, deciding to fill the air with some sort of conversation, even though it's not completely silent, as the TV is still playing.

"Good." Ashley nods, as she continues to eat her burger.

"That's good." Kara replies, awkwardly, "So, your mom said she would be here at around 3, so that means that until then you can just chill out, watch some tv, or whatever. Do whatever you like really. I'm still going to have to do some more work, so it's not like I can now just sit here with you, unfortunately."

"I know. That's okay, Kara." Ashley says, sounding very innocent right now.

"Okay." Kara nods.

There is then a silence between Ashley and Kara. A silence that Kara honestly doesn't know what to fill with.

"Kara?" Ashley soon asks.

"Yes?" Kara replies, as she turns to look at Ashley.

"What are you working on? Are you writing an article on something?" Ashley asks, curiously.

"Oh." Kara says, surprised that Ashley just asked her that, "Yes. I am writing an article. I'm writing an article discussing the National City mayor's new green initiative. I'm discussing what it includes, what it means for every day people of National City, and also giving input from scientists who are explaining both why the initiative could be a good thing, and why it could also be a bad thing."

"Oh..... that sounds.... interesting." Ashley says, in a way that Kara clearly can tell that Ashley doesn't mean that.

Kara chuckles.

"Don't worry, Ashley. You don't have to lie. I know it's not the most fascinating topic." Kara says, "Unfortunately, I'm not yet at the point in my career where I can pick and choose all the articles I want to write about, and the topics."

"Yeah..... admittedly.... that does sound kind of boring." Ashley says, "Not something I would want to read."

"I can understand that." Kara smiles.

"What would be your ideal articles to write about, Kara? If you had the choice?" Ashley asks.

"Oh uhh.... I think I would like to write more articles about technologies that are being developed from various companies." Kara says, "Obviously, I previously wrote an article about L-Corp, and the technologies your mom is developing there. Unfortunately though, I won't be able to write any more articles about that, or L-Corp."

"Why not?" Ashley asks.

Kara chuckles at Ashley asking her that, as she thinks the answer is rather obvious.

"Because it's a bit of a conflict of interest for a reporter to write an article about the person they are dating, or that person's company." Kara explains.

"Oh.... okay. I understand." Ashley nods, "That kind of sucks."

"Yeah." Kara agrees, with her own nod of her head, "However, I would take dating your mom, to being able to write articles about her, and L-Corp."

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