Chapter 4

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Lena and Jack are walking into a local sex toy shop, and Jack is basically bouncing with excitement. Lena, for her part, is honestly regretting her very existence. The CEO has absolutely no idea how she allowed herself to get into the situation where she is about to go shopping for sex toys with Jack. Lena honestly thinks she is probably about to die from embarrassment.

"Come on, Lena." Jack says, with a big smile, grabbing Lena's hand and dragging her into the store.

"I swear.... you better not have texted Sam, and now she's waiting for us to arrive inside, or is going to walk into the store in about 5 minutes time." Lena says.

"Pffffft. I wouldn't do that." Jack scoffs, "This is a bonding experience between me and you. I wouldn't let Sam get in the way."

"Really?" Lena replies, sarcastically, "We are about to bond over buying sex toys?"

"Yeah." Jack nods, "And about deciding what toy I think will pleasure you the most."

"Okay. I'm leaving." Lena says, making a move to leave the store.

"Nope." Jack says, tugging Lena's arm again, and preventing the brunette from leaving, "You are committed to this now. Come on, it won't be that bad. Plus, you do really have to do something to get your pheromones under control. You wouldn't want to continue like this and come across some alpha who can't help themselves, would you?"

Lena huffs.

"Fine." Lena says, "But I swear.... if you just make this whole experience an experience to embarrass me, I'm leaving, and then I'll just shut myself in my apartment, and not come out until my pheromones have gone away."

Jack chuckles.

"That's kind of what our end goal is here, Lena." Jack smirks.

"You know what I mean." Lena glares.

"Fine." Jack says, raising his hands in surrender, "I promise I'll be a good little boy."

"Okay, no need to use that term." Lena says, as she begins to look around at all the dark colours the store is themed in.

"Sorry, I guess that's something I'll have to save for some of my 'daddy's'." Jack smirks.

"JACK!" Lena groans.

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop now." Jack smiles, "Cross my heart, hope to die."

"Hmmm.... I wish I could believe that." Lena says.

Lena and Jack then walk further into the sex toy shop, and begin to look around at all of the toys that are available. Lena, for her part, has honestly never been in a store like this, simply because when she was sexually active as an omega, she had partners, like Andrea, and therefore never found that she needed to ever take care of her sexual needs solo. So, because of Lena's lack of experience in this area of things, she is kind of overwhelmed with all the potential choices she has.

"There..... there is so much stuff." Lena comments, in an overwhelmed voice.

"Yeah." Jack agrees, nodding his head, "There are a bunch of different choices, from the more extreme stuff, to the more tame stuff. But you also have to bare in mind that some of these toys are specifically made for alphas, then some others are made specifically for omegas, like you, and others are made for betas, like me. Although the beta section is always absolutely tiny."

"That isn't right." Lena says, looking at Jack with a sympathetic look on her face, hating how a part of society still treats betas as second, or even third-class citizens.

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