Chapter 27

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It is now about 20 minutes after Kara and Lena left the doctor's appointment, each of them being given a printed out image of the ultrasound of their pup. Kara and Lena are now at a supermarket, shopping for the ingredients to the dinner which they are going to make for themselves, Natalie and Ashley this evening. Usually, when Lena goes into a store like this, she has a plan of action, making a list of everything she needs. Lena did have a chance to do all that in the car ride over from the doctor's office, to the supermarket, as her driver drove her and Kara, however, Lena didn't, simply because she was too occupied continuing to look at the ultrasound of her baby with Kara, for the whole car ride. Admittedly, Lena does find her amazement with the ultrasound picture to be a bit strange, as it's not like this is her first child, and first ultrasound picture of a pup growing inside her. However, Lena thinks that maybe she is more ensnared with this ultrasound picture because it's a picture of a pup she is going to have with someone she actually knows will treat her right. Lena thinks that deep down, maybe when she was having Natalie and Ashley with Andrea, a part of her wasn't too excited over it, simply because she was having the pup with Andrea. Although, Lena will admit, that maybe she is enamoured with this ultrasound simply because her pheromones and hormones are going crazy, like they usually do around Kara. Lena just hopes Kara doesn't pick up on them, not that she has shown she has so far. Then even if she did, Lena knows that Kara wouldn't act on the pheromones, like a lot of alphas might.

"Alright...." Lena says, once she and Kara step into the supermarket, "So what exactly do we need for these burritos of yours?"

"Uhhhh..... well.... that's kind of up to you." Kara replies, "I mean.... we will need the basic ingredients like burrito wraps, mayonnaise, the steak, seeing as we are having streak, and then we can have whatever vegetables you like. Usually I cook some green and red chopped up bell peppers, and add some cheese to my burrito wraps. But I guess we could add whatever vegetables you think will go with it? We can just pick and choose."

"Yes, okay." Lena nods, "I guess we can get a bunch of different vegetables, including the ones you mentioned, and cook them all, and then let all of us decide what vegetables we want in our wraps."

"Sure." Kara nods, with a smile.

Kara and Lena then spend the next 5 minutes going through the vegetable aisles, picking out various vegetables that they want. Kara, for her part, just sticks with her bell peppers, which she normally uses, while Lena picks out some broccoli, tomatoes, and various other vegetables.

"Okay. I think we have all the vegetables. What does that leave with us getting next?" Lena asks.

"The wraps, cheese, steak and mayonnaise." Kara says.

"Hmm, okay. What type of cheese do you usually use?" Lena asks.

"Just cheddar. I grate it up." Kara says.

"Well, I have some cheddar at home, and enough mayonnaise, so that leaves us with the wraps and steak." Lena says.

"Okay." Kara nods.

Lena and Kara then head over to the bread/pastry aisle, and have a look at the burrito/wrap options.

"Flour or wheat?" Lena asks.

"Flour." Kara says, but then freezes, "I mean.... it's up to you.... I know that wheat wraps are healthier.... and we are making these for your daughters after all."

Lena chuckles.

"It's fine Kara. Let's get the flour ones." Lena smiles, pleased that Kara actually considered her daughter's health. Lena isn't even certain that Andrea would do that.

"Okay." Kara smiles, and picks up the flour wraps, and puts them in their basket.

After this, Kara and Lena move over to the beef aisle of the supermarket, where Lena takes charge of the steaks they will have.

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