Chapter 25

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It is now a few days later, and Kara is meeting up with Lena at L-Corp for lunch. Over the last few days, Kara and Lena have kept in constant communication via text, and Lena made the decision to invite Kara to come have lunch with her this week. Lena thought it would be a good thing for her and Kara to continue to bond, and get to know one another further by meeting up. After all, they may not be in a romantic relationship together, but they do have some form of a relationship now, as they are going to be having a pup together. Then, Lena would prefer if she and Kara actually have a very good, and strong, relationship once the pup is born, so that the two of them are always on the same page while raising their child. Lena does not want this to be another situation like her one with Andrea, where they constantly fought over what they thought was best for the kids, although that mostly happened over the last few years, after her divorce from Andrea. That said, Lena knows that even if she and Kara didn't continue to bond, Kara would never become like Andrea. Lena knows that deep down in her heart.

"Hi, Lena." Kara smiles, as she walks into Lena's office, after having been waved in by the CEO's assistant.

"Kara, it's nice to see you." Lena smiles, as she gets up from her desk and walks over to the blonde.

Once Lena walks over to Kara, for a moment she doesn't know what to do. Lena isn't really one for hugging people or anything, even Jack and Sam, but she kind of wants to do that with Kara. However, Lena doesn't know if Kara wants to do that or not.

Eventually, after a few moments, Kara takes the decision out of Lena's hands, by taking the 40-year-old in for a hug.

"Hey." Kara smiles, as she hugs Lena.

"Hey." Lena repeats back to Kara, with a smile growing on her own face.

After a few moments, Kara and Lena do eventually back away from their hug.

"So, how are you?" Lena asks Kara.

Kara chuckles.

"You always ask me that, whenever I come to see you. But it should be me asking you that question. You are the one carrying our pup after all." Kara says.

"Well, I'm doing fine. But I'd still like you to answer my question." Lena says, with a smirk.

"Okay." Kara chuckles, "I'm doing good. My week at CatCo has been a bit busy, but that's good. I like that I'm finally actually getting some real reporter stuff to sink my teeth into."

"That's good." Lena smiles, "I look forward to reading whatever you write next."

"Okay. At least I know I'll have one reader then." Kara smiles.

"Yes. Anyway, I thought instead of going out for lunch today, we could stay here and eat?" Lena suggests.

"Sure." Kara smiles, "I did think about bringing Big Belly Burger with me, but I thought having it again, when we just had it on Sunday, might be a bit much."

"Yes, maybe." Lena chuckles, "What do you think of us ordering Chinese?"

"Yes!" Kara says, quickly, so quickly in fact she's now blushing.

Lena chuckles.

"Okay. I'll order us some Chinese right now, and have it delivered." Lena smirks, as she picks up her phone.

"Can you make sure to get us...." Kara begins.

"Extra potstickers, I know." Lena says, turning to look at Kara with a happy look on her face, "I remember that potstickers are your favourite food."

"Yeah. Well, they are amazing!" Kara smiles.

Lena chuckles again, very amused by Kara's child-like attitude towards potstickers.

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