Chapter 9

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It is now Monday morning, and Lena is just heading into L-Corp after dropping Ashley and Natalie off at school. Usually, seeing as on weekdays Ashley and Natalie are at Andrea's, the two girls would take the bus to school, because of course Andrea is far too busy to take her kids to school. However, today, seeing as the two girls are at Lena's, the CEO made sure to take them to school herself, instead of having them catch the bus. But, of course, Natalie and Ashley both moaned at Lena doing this, obviously not wanting to spend even more time with Lena, with both of them already being pretty upset and annoyed about having to spend the week with the brunette anyway. Lena is just trying to take it in her stride though, and try and not let what her kids are saying hurt her feelings, even though deep down it really does. It truly hurts Lena's heart every time Ashley or Natalie act like this towards her. It feels like she is getting punched in the gut constantly. But Lena will continue on, because no matter how awful Natalie and Ashley's attitude towards her makes her feel, her love for her two children outweighs that.

Lena now arrives in her office at L-Corp, and she is surprised to see that Sam is already waiting for her inside, sitting on the couch in her office. Although, admittedly, Lena realises that she probably shouldn't be surprised that her best friend is here. Of course Sam wants to get the scoop on what happened with her and Kara and everything.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you're here." Lena huffs as she hangs her coat over her coat rack, along with her bag.

"No. You shouldn't." Sam says, standing up, "I want all the details of what you and Kara did!"

Lena huffs again.

"How about you go first?" Lena suggests.

"Fine. If that's how it's going to be." Sam says, "I went back to Alex's apartment, and me, Alex and Kelly had incredible sex together, with each of us having multiple orgasms. Then in the morning, we had sex again, took a shower together, where we had sex AGAIN, and then I left."

"Hmm." Lena hums, "So, are you going to see them again?"

"No." Sam says.

"What? Really?" Lena asks, actually surprised.

"Yep." Sam nods, "I'm not looking for a relationship. I don't want a relationship. I'm happy with one-night stands. I don't need anything else right now."

"Hmmm... okay.... whatever you say." Lena comments, thinking that her best friend might actually be lying to herself.

"Anyway, stop distracting me! I want the details on what you and Kara did." Sam says, "Is she good in bed? Does she have like a massive cock?"

Lena cringes at Sam's words.

"I wouldn't know. We didn't have sex." Lena says.

"WHAT?!" Sam exclaims.

Lena opens her mouth to speak, but the two friends are then interrupted by their third friend walking into Lena's office with a very smug look on his face.

"Morning, ladies." Jack smiles, widely.

"Why the hell are you walking in here looking like that?" Sam asks.

"Because Lena is the best friend ever, and the best wing woman in the history of the world!" Jack smiles.

"Uhhh.... I don't remember being your wing woman." Lena says, confused.

"Oh, but you were." Jack smiles, "After you punched me in the balls, and I had to ice myself, one of the nice female bartenders took pity on me, and one thing led to another, and we went back to her place and had a really enjoyable weekend together."

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