Chapter 26

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It is now Friday afternoon and Kara is just heading over to L-Corp so she can meet up with Lena, and then the two of them can go to the doctor's appointment together, so Lena can have a check-up for their pup. Admittedly, Kara is very excited about the doctor's appointment, and over the last day and a bit, she has spoken to Alex about it several times. However, Alex, being a doctor herself, did have to sort of calm Kara down, and lower her expectations a bit, as Kara did ask Alex if they would be able to hear the heartbeat. But Alex informed Kara that seeing as Lena is only about 5 weeks pregnant, it is unlikely for them to hear a heartbeat, as usually a heartbeat won't be detected until around the 7th week. So, this did put a bit of a dampener on Kara's excitement about the doctor's appointment, but she is still excited none the less. In fact, Kara is just so happy that Lena is actually willingly involving her, even in the stuff like this, which is just a check up on the baby, rather than a big appointment, like hearing the heartbeat for the first time, or finding out the gender. That said, Kara is still extremely excited about the appointment, because even though the pup right now doesn't look like much of anything, only the equivalent to that of an apple seed, they still will be able to see a picture of him/her for the first time, and Kara just knows she is going to treasure that always.

Kara is just arriving at L-Corp, and funnily enough, she is actually arriving with Alex, the two sisters taking their shared car together, with Alex picking Kara up from CatCo. The reason Alex is here though, isn't to be a third wheel to Kara and Lena's doctor appointment, or to try and play doctor or anything, but to actually go on her bargained date with Sam. Alex didn't have work today, and she isn't on call until Monday, so she has a free Friday night to get as drunk as she wants, and have as much fun as she wants. Therefore, this means that the redhead has specifically picked today as the day that she, Sam and Kelly will get to go on their date, with her obviously agreeing the arrangement with Sam beforehand. Sam and Alex just plan to meet up at L-Corp now, with Alex spending a little while here with Sam alone, while she finishes up some of her work for the day, before they each head over and pick Kelly up from her work, and then start their actual date for the afternoon/evening.

Sam, for her part, is still very much in the mindset that she does not want to date anyone, she still thinks that she doesn't want to give up the freedom of being able to go out and have sex with however she wants, and be free and everything. Then, Sam knows that an open relationship is just not for her. However, with all that in mind, Sam still just plans to take advantage of this afternoon and evening, and have as much fun as she can. She just doesn't expect anything further to come from it, and she hopes that Alex and Kelly will not pursue her after tonight. Sam hasn't made any specific arrangements to try and make sure that is not the case though, seeing as she is the one that has planned this evening. In fact, Sam has planned a really fun, and somewhat crazy evening, certainly not one that most 40-year-old women would be up for doing. But Sam has never been one for acting her age anyway, other than when it comes to her taking care of her daughter.

In regards to Ruby for this afternoon/evening, Sam did want to ask Lena to watch Ruby for the night, seeing as she has no other family or anything who she can rely on in this regard, however, she was hesitant to do that after finding out that Lena plans for Kara to come back to her home after the doctor's appointment, and have dinner with her, Natalie and Ashley. Sam knows that will be another ideal moment for Kara to bond with Lena's two daughters, which she herself thinks will be very important. So, because of that, Sam knew that the only other person she could turn to, to look after Ruby for the evening, who is sort of a responsible adult, is Jack. However, as much as Sam loves Jack, and has a lot of fun with him, she does have worries that she might pick Ruby up in the morning, and find that she has a tattoo which Jack has paid for her to get, or her hair shaved off, or coloured green, just something crazy that a young girl should not be allowed to do without her parent's approval. Thankfully though, before Sam actually had to turn to ask Jack to take care of Ruby for the evening, Ruby asked her if she could stay over at a friend's house on Friday evening, and have a sleepover. So, Sam was very relieved when she found that out, and agreed to it readily, but did tell Ruby that she wouldn't be able to pick her up in the night if she changed her mind, and wanted to come home or anything. Ruby understood that, and still wanted to go on the sleepover, so Sam was happy to let her.

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