Chapter 39

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"Well, the truth is that, Alex and I originally shared a bedroom because after what had happened to me. After my parents had died and everything, I was very traumatised by it all. And obviously I was upset about it for a long time. It still upsets me to this very day when I think about, but it was obviously so much worse back then. So, because of all that, I wasn't in a very good emotional state. Eliza and Jeremiah therefore thought it would be a good idea for Alex and I to share a bedroom. They thought that that way, at least I would have someone there with me at night, who could watch out for me and everything, or just make me feel like I wasn't alone. As that feeling of being alone, I had a lot after my parents died, as I'd lost my entire family, and was the only one left." Kara explains.

Both Ashley and Natalie now grow sympathetic looks on their faces upon hearing this story. Ashley and Natalie are well aware of just how horrible all of that must have been for Kara. They are each only one years age difference to how Kara was when her parents died. So, they both know how traumatised they'd be if either one of their parents suddenly died today.

"Anyway, Alex and I shared a room after that. At first, Alex really didn't like doing it. Alex didn't like having me in the house, as previously she was an only child, and then suddenly she had this sister, who would cry a lot, and get upset and everything, and take away some of her parents' attention. However, over time, and due to a few things, we grew close, and Alex was more okay with sharing a room with me. There were even some nights, when I would have nightmares about my parents, and Alex would get into bed with me, to comfort me. It was nice." Kara explains, "But, getting back to what you originally asked. The reason that Alex and I never had our own rooms, was basically because neither of us ever really brought it up. I think we both just liked sharing a room, and we didn't have anything that we wanted to hide from each other, like a lot of kids having growing up. Plus, Eliza would always say that it would be unfair with us each having our own room, because our bedroom, the bedroom you are sleeping in, is much bigger than the two other guest bedrooms. So, one of us would have had to have a smaller room."

"Oh, okay." Ashley nods, once Kara finishes explaining everything, "I guess that explains it."

"Yeah." Natalie agrees, with a nod.

"I'm glad me and Natalie have separate rooms though. No offence Nat." Ashley says.

"None taken. I wouldn't want to share a room with you anyway." Natalie says, with a little pout.

Kara simply chuckles at the two young girl's antics.

"Okay." Kara says, with a chuckle in her voice, "Let's not argue over something like that."

"Yeah." Ashley agrees, with a nod of her head.

After this, Kara continues to talk with Natalie and Ashley for a little while, until Lena finishes with her shower, and calls Ashley up to have her own shower, leaving Kara down in the living room alone with Natalie.

"Kara?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah?" Kara replies, with a smile.

"Can I ask you something about you and mom?" Natalie asks, in an unsure voice.

"Uhhh..... okay....." Kara replies, not really sure what Natalie wants to ask now. Although, Kara is starting to feel very nervous upon Natalie just asking the question.

"Do you love my mom?" Natalie asks, plainly.

Kara's eyes widen at Natalie asking her this. Kara didn't really know what she expected Natalie to ask her. All she knows, is she certainly did not expect her to ask that.

"What?!" Kara says, in a shocked voice, "I uhmmmmm...."

"I'm asking because..... I think my mom is happier when you are around." Natalie says.

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